BCG in the News

949 Results

    Gulf News

    Gulf’s Legacy Banks Can Still Recast Themselves into New-Gen Digital Entities

    Writing in Gulf News, BCG’s Bhavya Kumar and Martin Blechta outline why many banks are hesitant to fully engage with digital ecosystems. Concerns about cannibalization, the complexities of partner-based initiatives, and risks associated with departing from existing business models make it challenging for institutions to establish digital entities. Kumar and Blechta, however, say that by developing an ecosystem strategy, banks can leverage all the benefits of digital transformation and outperform competitors.


    BCG and Intel Join Forces to Deliver Generative AI Solutions to Clients

    In Reuters, BCG’s Suchitra Srinivasan discusses BCG’s strategic collaboration with Intel to provide enterprise clients with cutting-edge, secure, and responsible generative AI solutions at scale. BCG and Intel plan to start sharing some of the technology they’ve developed to help other companies to train AI systems using their own proprietary data without having to share it with Intel or BCG. Srinivasan says that industries with strict data storage and sharing regulations will benefit most from the joint offering.

    The Wall Street Journal

    Why Tech Startups Are Attracting Laid-Off Workers

    Commenting in The Wall Street Journal, BCG’s Ruth Ebeling discusses why many recently laid-off employees from big tech companies are now exploring job opportunities at smaller tech startups. A number of tech workers view startups as an opportunity to broaden their skillsets and play a bigger role in decision-making. “While some of them go back into big tech, for others the industry has lost its luster,” Ebeling notes.

    CNBC Squawk Box Asia

    Why Companies Should Prioritize Responsible AI

    In an interview with CNBC Squawk Box Asia, BCG’s Global Chair Rich Lesser highlights the challenges of harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to establish competitive advantage while using the technology responsibly. Though there is significant potential in generative AI, Lesser notes that unanswered questions surround the implementation of this transformative technology. Many companies, he says, are “in this rapid experimentation phase to try and test what are the really winning propositions that they can embed in their business with their proprietary data.”


    Companies Need to Be Socially Responsible in the Metaverse Too

    Writing in Fortune, BCG’s François Candelon, Michael G. Jacobides, Lisa Krayer, and Winson Chen assert that companies must take digital social responsibility (DSR) seriously if they want to succeed in the metaverse. Attractive as the metaverse may be, gaming addiction, advertising aimed at children, and online harassment create novel challenges for businesses. To make the metaverse a safe place for all, companies must take a proactive approach by developing DSR strategies and industry-wide standards.

    Bloomberg Businessweek Podcast

    How CEOs Are Navigating the Current Economy

    In an interview with the Bloomberg Businessweek Podcast, BCG’s Global Chair Rich Lesser discusses how CEOs are responding to current economic conditions. He explains that CEOs across industries are facing significant challenges, from geopolitical tensions to macroeconomic concerns. Although inflation pressures have eased a bit in the US, Lesser says ongoing economic uncertainty is pushing many CEOs to prioritize building resilient organizations. (Note: The interview with Lesser begins at the 22:00 mark of the podcast.)

    Business Standard

    Asia-Pacific Is Set to Outpace US Fintech Market

    Commenting in Business Standard, BCG’s Deepak Goyal, Saurabh Tripathi, and Yashraj Erande outline how the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region is poised to become the world’s top fintech market by 2030. According to a report from BCG and QED Investors, APAC has a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27%, whereas the US has an estimated CAGR of just 17%. “Attractive demographics, native technology and engineering capabilities, and prudent regulations combined with the sheer necessity to innovate for accelerating the upliftment of a large mass of humanity make APAC the center of gravity for fintechs,” says Erande.

    The Wall Street Journal

    Protecting Privacy in AI-Driven Workplaces

    Commenting in The Wall Street Journal, BCG’s Ajay Chowdhury says that companies must address concerns about privacy and security when implementing generative AI in the workplace. He suggests that companies create policies aimed at preventing employees from inputting sensitive data into AI chatbots and from sharing personal information. Despite the growing number of companies looking to implement AI-based tools, Chowdhury says that many are still unaware of the risks associated with the technology.

    CNN: Quest Means Business

    Will the Economy Define America’s 2024 Election?

    In an interview with CNN’s Quest Means Business, BCG’s Global Chair Rich Lesser explains how the state of the job market and current economic headwinds could impact the next US presidential election. Lesser says that despite inflation, the economy will not be a defining factor for voters as geopolitical tensions and other contributing factors remain at the forefront. “Inflation is continuing to come down,” he notes, “and people tend to react to inflation on a very short-term basis.”


    La IA, la herramienta ignorada por los retailers para gestionar la cadena de suministro

    Según el estudio realizado por el World Retail Congress (WRC) y Boston Consulting Group (BCG) los comerciantes minoristas podrían usar la IA para solucionar sus problemas de forma más fácil y efectiva. Joan Sol, socio y responsable de la práctica de Gran Consumo y Retail de BCG en España y Portugal afirma que "La gran mayoría de los distribuidores están pasando por alto la oportunidad de adoptar soluciones con tecnologías de inteligencia artificial", y describe la IA como "una ventaja competitiva que impulsará el negocio".

    The Economic Times

    The Role of Gas in India’s Energy Transition

    Writing in The Economic Times, BCG’s Kaustubh Verma and Soumyasree Chakraborty outline the key role compressed natural gas and piped natural gas play in reaching India’s emission reduction goals. The authors write that city gas distribution (CGD) companies can contribute to the country’s energy transition, but they must think strategically. There are many possibilities for CGD companies to accelerate their growth, while also aiding in India’s sustainability efforts.

    The Hindu Business Line

    How India Can Build Its Share in the Global Supply Chain

    In an interview with The Hindu Business Line, BCG’s Nikolaus Lang says that India is poised for significant growth if the country confronts the challenges faced by its business systems and infrastructure. India’s geopolitical improvements and size have made the country a strong alternative in the global supply chain, says Lang. But the country must seek the right talent, port infrastructure, and trade regulations to increase its share in the global supply chain.