- Ingénieur en chef des Mines, Ecole des Mines de Paris
- Postgraduate degrees in physics and chemistry, Agrégation de Physique
- Sciences degree, Ecole Normale Supérieure
- Finance degree, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
Honors and Awards
- Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur
Agnès Audier is a Senior Advisor at Boston Consulting Group’s. She was previously a member of BCG Industrial Goods, Public Sector, Consumer, and Strategy practices, and a member of the Center for Digital in Transportation.
Before joining BCG in 2007, Agnès acquired high-level experience in both the private and public sectors. She works closely with private companies and public organizations across sectors, and has extensive experience in large-scale transformations, postmerger integration, growth strategy, productivity improvements, and organization design.
Agnès’s extensive scientific and technical background and academic research work inform her focus on digital innovation and its impact on products and services, new business models, competitive advantage, globalization, IT transformation, HR challenges, cost-cutting opportunities, and regulation changes.
Over her years at BCG, Agnès specialized in the transportation, infrastructure, and industrial goods sectors, focusing in particular on railways, airports, and building materials. She has supported operational programs and Industry 4.0 initiatives, aiming to accelerate the digital transformation of global actors.
Agnès has implemented efficiency and change management programs for French ministries (education, social affairs, and defense), and is an expert on HR transformation and asset optimization in the public sector—notably, when government agencies turn to digitizing their organization and services in the face of strong budget pressures. She also worked for many health care providers, including academic hospitals, and is committed to developing value-based health care to improve the quality and cost of health care systems. Agnès has been a featured speaker at the Women’s Forum.
Before joining BCG, Agnès worked at Vivendi as an executive vice president of strategy and business development and then chief operating officer of the Internet technology division. She also worked at the communication group Havas as chief performance officer. She was a member of the private cabinet of France’s minister of health and social affairs, and head of the private office of the French minister of small business and trade.