Andreas Dietze is a member of BCG Platinion, Boston Consulting Group’s global team of technology experts that extends BCG’s strategic imperative by inventing, designing, and developing digital products, platforms, and solutions.

Since 1998, Andreas has advised clients from a wide variety of industries (with a focus on industrial goods, health care, and public services) on strategic IT projects, first for BCG and later for Roland Berger. He rejoined BCG as part of Platinion in September 2016. Andreas is a specialist in the management and turnaround of complex IT transformations and the digitization of business processes in the domains ERP, CRM, PLM/PDM, MES, and SCM. He has supported numerous clients in the successful implementation of master data management concepts.

Andreas is the Industrial Goods practice area lead for Platinion CEMA (Central Europe, Middle East, Africa), head of marketing at BCG Platinion CEMA, and coordinator of the firm’s European Social Impact activities.


  • PhD, economics, Otto Beisheim School of Management (WHU)
  • Diplom, computer science, University of Koblenz-Landau


  • Honorary Texan
  • Honorary Citizen of the City of Austin