Más de la mitad de los consumidores de América Latina aseguran que sus hábitos de consumo cambiaron para siempre y que no volverán a los hábitos prepandemia a pesar de haber recibido la vacuna contra el COVID-19. Así lo asegura el más reciente estudio de Boston Consulting Group (BCG) “South America Consumer Sentiment 2021”.

- MBA, Harvard University (Baker Scholar)
- MSc, Engineering Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (maximum distinction)
- BSc, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (maximum distinction)
Cristián Carafí leads the People & Organization practice in Chile, Argentina, Peru, and Colombia and the Consumer practice in Chile and Argentina for Boston Consulting Group. Since he joined BCG in 2007, he has supported world-leading companies in strategy, digital transformation, and reorganization in multiple geographies—and more recently, in the redefinition of their work models in order to win in the new reality product of COVID-19. Cristián is trained as an industrial civil engineer.