Marie Humblot-Ferrero is a core member of the Health Care, People & Organization, and Operations practices at Boston Consulting Group. She is part of the French management team in charge of marketing and partnerships, as well as the leader of the firm’s biopharma work in Europe.

Marie has worked with numerous health care, biopharma, and vaccine companies on R&D and industrial operations; and has supported many leaders during their large-scale transformations at the international level, covering digital journeys, target operating models, organization redesigns, and project and change management. She is also an active member of BCG’s sustainability and citizenship internal collective.

Before joining the firm, Marie worked as a consultant at AEC Partners, a French consultancy firm specializing in health care.


  • MS, aerodynamics and aeronautics, Institut supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace
  • MS, École Polytechnique