- PhD, information systems, Vanderbilt University
- MBA, finance and operations, Vanderbilt University
- MA, economics, Norwegian School of Economics
- MSc, applied mathematics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Joakim Kalvenes is a core member of Boston Consulting Group's Industrial Goods and Operations practices, as well as BCG X, the firm's tech build and design unit.
Joakim is the chief technology officer and regional head of Natural Resource Ops, BCG X's AI operating system for natural resource industries—as well as its intellectual property development leader. His client engagements focus on analytics-driven, transformational improvement in operational efficiency for metals and mining companies.
Joakim holds four patents, with an additional three pending, and has published15 scholarly articles. Before joining BCG, Joakim was Executive Principal and Vice President of Operations Research and Data Science Consulting at the travel technology company Sabre, Executive VP of Client Service at The Nielsen Company, and COO of NeuroFocus. He has also held faculty positions at the University of Texas at Dallas and Southern Methodist University.