Rekordzuwachs bei Frauen in Vorstandspositionen – Österreichs Wirtschaft erlebt einen Wandel. Doch wie steht es um die Vergütung?

- Master’s and PhD in Law, University of Vienna
- MBA, MIT Sloan School of Management
Honors and Awards
- Winner, 2023 OUTstanding LGBT+ Executives award
Lukas Haider has been with Boston Consulting Group since 2005. He is a member of the Financial Institutions and Operations practices and specializes in operational excellence, front-to-back process optimization & digitization and backoffice transformation. He has advised leading US and European financial institutions in their retail, corporate and private banking businesses.
Lukas is the global leader for Operations in Financial Institutions, a member of the firm's global Financial Institutions leadership team, and a member of the leadership team for the Central Europe region. He is passionate about people, technology, new ways of working, as well as financial education/inclusion and diversity and inclusion.