- École des Hautes Études Commerciales
Nicolas Kachaner is a core member of the Corporate Finance & Strategy practice at Boston Consulting Group. He is BCG’s global leader for strategic planning and coleader of the firm’s family business work. He is also an expert with BCG’ s Transform practice, which helps clients shape and accelerate their transformations to deliver rapid, visible performance improvements in the short term while strengthening their organizations and positioning them to win in the future.
Nicolas has been with BCG since 1988. As a BCG Fellow from 2010 through 2017, Nicolas concentrated on business model innovation (BMI), particularly researching how leading companies can use BMI for strategic purposes. He also led a research program on the strategy and performance of large family businesses, which was published in the Harvard Business Review. With his clients, Nicolas continues to develop novel partnership models. One of these is an approach called strategy co-sourcing, in which BCG establishes a permanent team in the client’s strategy department in order to ensure seamless interaction, continuous transfer of knowledge, instantaneous access to BCG resources, and real-time allocation of the client’s and BCG’s resources to the most pressing strategic questions (such as M&A opportunities and how to respond to market events). In order to train the client’s strategy group within this model, Nicolas and his team have developed a “strategy academy” curriculum.