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Headshot of BCG expert Thomas Dauner

Thomas Dauner

Senior Advisor Stuttgart
The auto industry will be more disrupted by new digital technologies over the next 10 years than it has been over the last century, explains BCG’s Thomas Dauner. While all the players in automotive seem to be stepping up their game to build new digital businesses and ventures, few are taking the next step: thinking through how to transform the value chain.


  • BS, European business administration, Middlesex University
  • BA, business management, Reutlingen University

Since joining BCG in 1995, Thomas has worked with car and truck manufacturers and suppliers along all steps of the value chain, with a strong focus on new-product development and sales and marketing topics. He has led a number of large-scale turnaround and performance-improvement projects in the automotive industry. In addition, he coleads BCG's Center for Digital in Automotive, which helps mobility-related companies and institutions build new businesses and prepare them for the digital age. 

Although traditional auto topics remain important to him, Thomas spends an increasing share of his time helping clients navigate new technological challenges: connected cars, mobility concepts, autonomous driving, and digitalization of the value chain. 

Before joining BCG, Thomas worked for a leading German bank.

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