Walter Bohmayr is a core member of Boston Consulting Group's Technology Advantage and Financial Institutions practices and leads BCG's efforts in risk and finance IT and in cybersecurity worldwide. Walter is also a member of the BCG global Audit and Risk Committee, which is responsible for IT and cybersecurity.

Since joining BCG in 1998, Walter has focused his client work on the banking sector. He has acquired deep experience in the development of cybersecurity, portfolio, and IT strategies as well as risk-management programs. He has also supported transformation programs and mergers across Europe.

Prior to joining BCG, Walter worked with a Swiss high-tech company responsible for simulating semiconductor processes.


  • PhD, sub auspiciis praesidentis, microelectronics and semiconductor physics, Vienna University of Technology
  • MSc, summa cum laude, electrical engineering, Vienna University of Technology


  • Honorary prize of the Austrian Minister of Science and Research for best graduate of Vienna University of Technology in the academic year 1993-94
  • Honorary prize of the Austrian Minister of Science and Research as PhD graduate sub auspiciis praesidentis