
Customer Data in Global Markets

Consumers’ attitudes, needs, and behaviors are strongly influenced by local realities—and they’re constantly changing. BCG’s rich stores of customer data in global markets help companies gain the insights needed to craft strategies for winning in the global consumer market.

What really drives consumers’ choices around the world? Local differences influence those all-important moments of demand—what consumers need when they purchase and use products and services. Companies that excel at creating products for consumers in global markets understand three vital insights:

  • One world, many mindsets. Despite decades of globalization, consumers’ mindsets remain highly localized.
  • Global category playbooks are usually a myth. A common global strategy would not be wholly effective in any category.
  • Context completes the picture. Although important, attitudes and demographics don’t satisfactorily explain choice unless the analysis also factors in the context in which products are used.

How BCG Helps Clients Leverage Customer Data in Global Markets

How can companies gain insight into the local realities shaping responses to their offerings—and devise effective strategies for succeeding in the global consumer market? That’s where BCG’s global customer data consulting expertise comes in.

Our Specialized Research

BCG’s Center for Customer Insights conducts ongoing proprietary research, building specialized databases that help companies tailor their growth strategies to local conditions.

Our Proprietary Tools For Customer Data in Emerging Markets

In addition to our research, we deploy sophisticated AI-based tools to bring together huge volumes of data that help decision makers understand how consumer behavior in global markets is changing.

Explore Insights About Customer Data in Global Markets


A BCG Report on Digital Marketing Maturity

BCG’s Javier Pérez Moiño says the report has good news and bad news. Advanced brand marketers are getting results, but overall, marketing maturity has declined.

Meet Our Global Customer Data Consultants

BCG’s team of global customer data consultants operate around the world, and bring deep industry experience and comprehensive knowledge of topics, including global customer data management, consumer needs, consumer behavior in global markets, and global customer data platforms.

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