Synthetic Biology

Almost anything can be created through synthetic biology, and BCG helps clients harness syn-bio capabilities to drive winning strategies in a range of verticals, from food and pharma to clothing and construction.

Engineered biology systems can, for example, create more-effective medicines or support food production that is less impactful on the environment. This convergence of biotechnology and engineering offers new capabilities to various clients in textiles, construction, electronics, biopharma, alternative energy, and more.

To many industries, synthetic biology means disruption—but also opportunity. Our synthetic biology consultants help companies understand both how syn-bio can transform their sector and where they can deploy syn-bio technologies in order to achieve lower production costs and greater profits.

What is Synthetic Biology?

Synthetic biology is an emerging technology centered on science and engineering to create materials that enable innovative, sustainable, resilient, low-cost manufacturing and product development. It draws on nature to create new biological components and systems—or improve existing ones—such as alternative proteins, programmed cells, and gene modification.

Our Approach to Synthetic Biology Consulting

BCG helps clients develop a syn-bio strategy through an extensive approach:

  • Get familiar with the science and the technology.  As synthetic-biology technologies are fairly new, BCG helps clients understand syn-bio’s capabilities, uses, and opportunities.  
  • Test promising opportunities. Through shared knowledge and experimentation, we help businesses explore, identify, and select the most promising technologies that will unlock new value pockets. 
  • Scout for successful pioneers. We keep track of the start-ups and established companies that are building relevant technologies, products, and processes firms can use in their own development.  
  • Identify the manufacturing and supply challenges up front. Before choosing which path to follow, we lay out the challenges a client faces in scaling, safety, transportation, quality, and standardization.  
  • Partner selectively. We build relationships with those in the research and development communities, and help clients partner with the right start-ups and universities to access the most current biotechnology.  
  • Drive syn-bio within your business portfolio.  BCG works with corporations to quickly add syn-bio products to their portfolios by, for example, making greenfield investments and acquiring companies. 

Our Insights into Synthetic Biology

Meet Our Synthetic Biology Consultants

Our synthetic biology consultants are experts in the complexities of deep tech and using emerging technologies to solve large issues. They are positioned to support clients engaging syn-bio as a potential business opportunity or implementing synthetic biology into workflows and strategy. Here are some of our experts on the topic:

Project Leader

Nicolas Goeldel

Project Leader

Managing Director & Senior Partner, Global Sector Leader, Biopharmaceuticals

Ulrik Schulze

Managing Director & Senior Partner, Global Sector Leader, Biopharmaceuticals

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