September 11, 2023
The United Nations set the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 with an aim to deliver on them by 2030. We are at the midpoint, and the news is not good. Not one SDG has been achieved, and progress on most is too slow. But there are ways to accelerate the pace. We spoke with six BCG experts on how we can change the SDG trajectory. Here’s what they said.

September 11, 2023
Time is running out for achieving the SDGs. But action at scale in these critical areas can unlock rapid progress.

September 11, 2023
Companies can advance the SDGs while simultaneously expanding their business, bolstering the bottom line, and managing risk. It’s time to double down on the opportunity.

September 11, 2023
Digital technology has the potential to advance sustainability efforts in a powerful way. To seize that opportunity, countries need to develop a comprehensive digital strategy.

September 11, 2023
There is a nearly $4 trillion annual shortfall in SDG-related investments. New approaches—including ways to unlock private sector investment—can close the gap.

September 11, 2023
Public-, private-, and social-sector players need to cooperate to achieve the SDGs—but such collaborations often come up short. Here’s how to make them pay off.

September 11, 2023
The impacts of climate change—including increased floods, droughts, and fires—may put the SDGs further out of reach. That’s why investments in A&R are so vital.
Meet the Experts