There’s no question that the tech industry benefits from the contributions of women. Adding more women to the workforce increases the overall amount of tech talent available, which is critical given that many tech fields report difficulties in filling positions.
Our Insights on Women in Tech

May 14, 2024
A global survey finds that senior women in technical functions are ahead of their men peers in adopting GenAI—but junior women are lagging behind.

Jessica Apotheker, chief marketing officer of BCG, and Akbar Hamid, co-founder of People of Crypto Lab, explain how the metaverse can combine the best of the physical and virtual worlds to create a seamless immersive experience and make it easier to connect with brands.

September 7, 2022
There’s a huge opportunity to expand the numbers and capabilities of the cybersecurity workforce by attracting women to the field.

June 28, 2022
Companies facing intense competition for talent can take concrete steps to attract more women to tech and encourage them on their path to leadership.

In each episode, the podcast’s hosts talk to women in tech leadership about the challenges and opportunities they face in the industry.

March 7, 2023
Despite recent layoffs, women in tech are aware of their value and know they can take their talents to other organizations.

March 2, 2022
On this episode of "The So What from BCG," Detroit Office Leader Neveen Awad explains why we need women in tech and shares insights from her own journey.

March 17, 2021
Companies can create the workforce they need—and increase the number of women in STEM leadership roles—by offering women more opportunities to build their skills.
Our Experts on Women in Tech
When it comes to advancing women in technology, we ask two key questions: Why? How? Our experts have the answers.