
Aerospace and Defense

Rapid changes in the aerospace and defense industry are creating new opportunities for companies willing to innovate and reposition themselves for the future. BCG’s aerospace and defense consulting teams help companies adapt to these ever-evolving times.

Today’s commercial aerospace industry is still grappling with the sharp decline in air travel due to the pandemic, which is weighing heavily on aircraft production and the civilian aerospace workforce. The defense industry, in contrast, has seen steady demand and even some new opportunities.

For companies that operate in both segments, the challenge is to foster defense innovation, maintain operations, and strengthen their financial position to offset the declines in the commercial business.

Our Consulting Services for Aerospace and Defense

How BCG Helps Aerospace and Defense Companies

This new reality makes it vital for aerospace and defense companies to innovate. BCG helps businesses throughout the aerospace and defense industry:

  • Embrace innovation. We help harness the power of next-generation manufacturing, energy-efficient products, and advanced analytics.
  • Launch digital transformations. We help increase operating efficiency and deliver new value to their customers by utilizing AI and machine learning.
  • Transform their organizations. We help with restructuring support, M&A expertise, and post-merger integration services.
  • Future-proof their workforce. We help advance diversity and equip people with new skills.
  • Rationalize their portfolio. We help dispose of poorly performing businesses and acquire positions in new growth areas.
  • Enhance machinery and equipment. We help maintain and upgrade machinery and equipment to ensure safety, adaptability, and longevity.

BCG has the deep industry knowledge, global insights, and digital transformation expertise to help aerospace and defense companies weather the storm and come out stronger. Our global team works across the aerospace and defense value chain to deliver sustainable competitive advantage to clients, create value, improve operations, and adapt new technology.

Our Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul Consulting Services

Maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) play pivotal roles in ensuring the longevity and safety of operations throughout today’s aerospace and defense industry. As the sector continues to rebound from the upheaval caused by the global pandemic, the need for streamlined, cost-effective MRO capabilities has never been more critical.

BCG’s MRO consulting services empower companies to elevate their service quality and operational efficiency.


Meet Our MRO Consulting Leadership Team

BCG'S Client Work Spans the Aerospace and Defense Industry

BCG has extensive experience helping aerospace and defense companies navigate challenges. Our aerospace and defense consulting teams work on projects across the entire industry.

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