Our Approach to 5G Technology
Identifying 5G Use Cases
Already, 5G brings much to the table, such as extreme mobile broadband and superior fixed wireless access. More is coming, including 5G capabilities like ultralow latency and network slicing—carving multiple virtual networks, optimized for specific applications, out of a single physical network. These advances enable compelling new 5G business opportunities. We help companies identify the right path for their circumstances, market, and goals.
Maximizing Monetization
If telcos are to cost-effectively deploy and continually improve 5G networks, they need to think carefully—and innovatively—about monetization. But it’s not just about funding the journey. Emerging 5G tech opens the door to new business models and revenue streams, enabling telcos to venture—and profit—outside the core. Our 5G consultants help zero in on the most promising near-term and longer-term opportunities.
Developing a Cross-Functional Operating Model
There is no one-size-fits-all 5G. Different use cases and geographic regions are served best by different network features. And each permutation comes with its own tradeoffs, timelines, and price tag. This interplay between strategy, 5G technology, and cost requires close collaboration among commercial, network, and finance functions. We help telcos adopt a cross-functional approach.
Pursuing Partnerships
There are a lot of layers to 5G use cases. Using 5G in business requires network, data, and industry-specific expertise and resources. While 5G can be a route to growth, it’s not a route you’ll take alone. Our 5G consulting experts help develop and embed the approaches that make working with partners and digital ecosystems second nature.
Designing a 5G-Ready Organization
Partnerships, cross-functional teamwork, developing 5G business opportunities quickly and efficiently: all require a more agile, collaborative, entrepreneurial mindset—and organization. We help companies develop the roles, ways of working, and culture that foster innovation, experimentation, and collective action. And we make it all stick through robust change management.
Our Client Impact in 5G Technology
Our 5G consultants have helped telcos deploy networks more efficiently and leverage novel technologies and architectures (such as O-RAN). We work with players across the 5G ecosystem, such as tower companies, and partner with industry leaders to identify compelling 5G use cases and business models. Here are a few examples of our work:
To help our client develop a near-term strategy while positioning itself for the future, we took a multiphase approach. First, we reached a common understanding of the timing, technical requirements, and costs of 5G capabilities. We then analyzed the monetization potential of different offerings and the prerequisites for getting them to market. This let us develop business-case scenarios, including investment thresholds, timing estimates, and rollout options. And it let our client identify—and pursue—the optimal launch plan, implementing the first 5G commercial rollout in its country.
Our 5G Technology Resources
We don’t just promote cross-functionality—we take that approach ourselves. Our 5G consultants are supported by a global network of experts who specialize in an array of technical and functional areas, from agile ways of working and talent development to digital network transformation and IT implementation. Our key 5G resources include:
- BCG X. Our tech build and design unit, helps companies invest, launch, build, and scale—turning promising 5G use cases into proven businesses.
- BCG Platinion. How will 5G transform business? With over 700 digital, data, and technology experts, BCG Platinion delivers the platforms, digital products, and IT architectures that let companies show exactly how transformative 5G can be.

Center for Telco Networks
Our Insights on 5G in Business

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