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Power and Utilities

By developing the gas and power networks and generation needed for a greener world, power and utilities companies stand on the energy transition’s front line. BCG’s utilities consulting team enables players to navigate the future with confidence.

Playing in the power and utilities arena has never been more challenging—or more important. Today’s utilities must drive the uptake of renewable energy sources, enable behind-the-meter systems, leverage digital technologies, and grapple with climate events—while still meeting their regulatory obligations. Our gas and electric power consulting team helps players find a path through these challenges—and any others the future may hold.

Our Approach to Supporting Power and Utilities Players

At BCG, we use our deep commercial, technical, and regulatory expertise to support a broad range of companies, advising both regulated and unregulated power and gas players worldwide on their transmission and distribution, generation, and retail businesses.

Our power and utilities consulting team enables companies to set a strategic direction and drive toward a net zero future. In addition to advising on strategy, we help our clients build new capabilities, such as flexibility management, and solve difficult operational issues, such as delivering massive capital projects in a supply chain-constrained environment. We also support their engagement with governments and regulators on market design and regulatory reviews.

Zero-Ready Strategic Direction

Zero-Ready Ways of Working

Zero-Ready Initiatives for a Cost-Effective Energy Transition

Our Clients’ Success in Power and Utilities

Building Capabilities to Deliver Clean, Reliable Energy

Discover how Ergon Energy Retail, an Australian utility, is transforming its business to provide sustainable and dependable energy.

Digitizing E.ON’s Core Business

BCG helped E.ON reshape its core business into a powerful tool capable of addressing the challenges facing the power and utilities industry, such as how to mitigate climate change.

Eneco to be Climate Neutral by 2035

The Rotterdam-based energy company aims for carbon neutrality by 2035. Learn about their “One Planet” plan—and why it’s so important to act now on climate change.

Our Power and Utilities Solutions and Tools

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Asset Intelligence in Power Generation

This comprehensive solution enhances asset management for power and utilities players by using AI to improve maintenance strategies, prioritize work orders, and predict equipment failures. It includes risk-based decision-making, intelligent scheduling, and seamless execution through mobile apps, thereby reducing manual tasks. The approach goes beyond predictive maintenance, optimizing efficiency and reliability across asset management processes.

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Deep Customer Engagement AI by BCG X

Through AI, Deep Customer Engagement AI helps utilities optimize customer management by delivering the most impactful sales actions at the best times using the best channels. Doing so enables companies to increase customer acquisition, reduce churn, and enhance per-account value.

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A single platform, Networks.AI brings together BCG’s digital tools for addressing myriad grid-related challenges at scale, whether it’s planning power transmission and distribution networks, prioritizing asset control centers and investments, enhancing field force productivity, or improving customer support and management. It also helps players create rapid business impact once they’ve selected the right tool.

Our Latest Insights on Power and Utilities

What’s Igniting the Energy M&A Boom?

What’s Igniting the Energy M&A Boom?

BCG’s Rebecca Fitz discusses how the energy sector’s top performers are creating value by selectively pursuing deals that strategically align with their portfolio and capital objectives.

Closing the Climate Action Gap | Promo

Closing the Climate Action Gap

Geopolitical uncertainty and market volatility are pressing concerns for business leaders. But with the future of the planet at stake, climate action must remain a top priority.

Meet Some of Our Power and Utilities Consulting Leaders

BCG’s power and utilities consulting team helps clients navigate today’s energy landscape through our deep expertise in both power networks and the transmission and distribution of electricity. The following are some of our experts in power and utilities: