Aerial image of a blue ocean that reflects the sky and meets a forested coastline.

BCG’s Net Zero Strategy

BCG has committed to reach net zero climate impact by 2030 and then to become climate positive—removing more carbon from the atmosphere than we emit each year.

While our single greatest climate impact will come through our net zero consulting—supporting clients as they navigate the net zero transition and helping them thrive in a low-carbon economy—we also want to lead by example by reducing the negative climate impact of our own operations and value chain.

The world needs to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, but those that can move faster should do so. Therefore, we increased the ambition of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets, committing to cut our emissions intensity in half by 2025. This goal has been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative as aligned with the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement: to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels.

A Three-Step Net Zero Strategy

Our Sustainability Journey

Climate action is one of our most urgent challenges. As we partner with clients to help them realize their net zero ambitions, we must also continue to change the way we operate as a firm.


BCG’s Net Zero News & Insights

BCG’s Net Zero Partnerships

We are committed to supporting efforts at increasing the adoption of sustainable aviation fuel and decarbonizing air travel. Click below to learn more about our partnerships with these organizations.

We work with a network of innovative partners to build progress toward our net zero climate impact goal. Click below to learn more about our partnerships with these organizations.

BCG’s Climate Action Recognition

BCG’s net zero transition efforts have so far led to the following recognition.

Climate action is one of our most urgent challenges. As we partner with our clients to help them realize their net zero strategies and navigate the low-carbon transition, we must also continue to change the way we operate as a firm. Our net zero commitments and the climate investments we are making are evidence of the impact we are determined to have.

Rich Lesser
Global Chair
New York

BCG commits to comply with California’s Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act (AB 1305). Claims linked to BCG’s net zero program, including carbon neutral company certification, are verified for accuracy by an independent third-party as outlined in the latest sustainability report. BCG purchases voluntary carbon offsets sold within California, and discloses the pertaining entity, project, carbon offset, protocol, and verification information here. For detailed information about BCG’s net zero strategy including interim progress, please refer to pages 58-59 of our latest sustainability report. Additional information can be found in the About section of our website and our latest net zero anniversary article.

The Sustainable Advantage: Insights on Creating Competitive Advantage Through Sustainability