SWITCH-GT: BCG’s Energy Transition Solution

SWITCH-GT helps policymakers, investors, and business leaders make informed decisions, anticipate trends, uncover risks, and identify new opportunities by computing the interconnected dynamics of materials and technology supply chains in any demand scenario.

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We are amid the most ambitious industrial transformation in history. As the world races to decarbonize, governments and businesses must grapple with complex and often hidden system dynamics. In some cases, these dynamics create risks that can slow or even derail their efforts; however, they can also open new opportunities for building competitive advantage and economic growth. SWITCH-GT—or Systems Workbench for Insight into Transition Change for Green Transformation—our energy transition solution, developed with the BCG Henderson Institute, illuminates these interconnected dynamics to create better, more informed decisions.

A Simulation Tool That Brings Clarity to Complex Dynamics

Companies and governments are struggling to understand the system dynamics at work in the ongoing sustainability and energy transition. Such insight is critical if they are to successfully accelerate the development of technologies required to achieve global net zero.

SWITCH-GT delivers that insight to empower public-sector organizations, investors, and companies in a number of industries including the energy, automotive, metals and mining, chemical, and finance sectors. It is invaluable for executives who develop corporate strategy, drive sustainability efforts, and/or manage supply chains.

The Benefits of Using SWITCH-GT

Our energy transition solution simulates the real economy using a bottom-up modeling approach. SWITCH-GT computes the materials and components needed to build technologies (for example, solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles, and buildings) under any demand scenario. It provides insights on the following:


SWITCH-GT helps you navigate the complexity of the energy transition through extensive data integration, complexity modeling, data science, data visualization, and industry expertise.

It is based on a high-resolution network model of the materials and technology supply chains and their interconnected dynamics. This solution, supported by our team of experts, takes advantage of BCG’s extensive knowledge and proprietary tools.

SWITCH-GT draws on more than 400 external data sources, including the International Energy Agency, US Energy Information Administration, International Renewable Energy Agency, US National Laboratories, academic papers, analyst reports, industry reports, and expert interviews. Currently, the model covers 134 sub-technologies within power, buildings, and transportation and roughly 300 materials. This energy simulation tool offers the following:

  • Advanced Data and Graph Analytics. Analytics and mathematical algorithms can be applied to illuminate relationships within data, simplify overwhelmingly vast networks, and reveal hidden patterns.
  • Customizable Scenarios. Users can build custom scenarios by controlling end-use demand and technological design assumptions with full transparency.
  • Cross-Industry Expertise. BCG's expertise across industries offers valuable perspectives on the interconnectedness of the energy sector with other key sectors such as manufacturing, transportation, and technology.

Meet the SWITCH-GT Team

Our team at BCG works with clients to bring embedded systems-level thinking into strategic decision-making. Here are some of our experts of our energy simulation tool.

Managing Director & Senior Partner, BCG Henderson Institute Fellow

David Young

Managing Director & Senior Partner, BCG Henderson Institute Fellow

Associate Director

Marielle Remillard

Associate Director


Dan Eichelsdoerfer


Project Leader

Geoffrey Hoy

Project Leader

Our Insights on Energy Transition 

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