Health Equity Potential in Numbers
Achieving health equity is no longer just a human rights issue, it’s become a business imperative too. Both public and private sector organizations today face growing pressure from investors, civil society, healthcare providers, and patients to address health equity; those that do can leverage the opportunity to unlock commercial advantage and value. At BCG, we are focused on driving health equity around the globe. We have teams working on the ground all over the world to reduce disease, improve global health, and save lives.
Our global health consulting team helps clients build capabilities in many areas, including the following:
- Organization Strategy. Improving operational efficiency to leverage existing resources.
- Program Design. Creating programs in countries—as well as at the HQ level—in order to achieve targeted health objectives.
- Emergency Prevention/Preparedness and Humanitarian Response. Developing sustainable strategies to prepare for unexpected emergencies as well as delivering care to the most vulnerable populations.
- Pandemic Response. Addressing the economic impact of pandemics and extending public health initiatives to support the UN SDGs.
- Digital Health Innovations and Emerging Technologies. Identifying, deploying, and scaling innovations to achieve health objectives.
We believe that, to improve health equity and speed progress toward the UN’s health-related Sustainable Development Goals, the global health community needs an approach built on collaboration and innovation. For decades, we have forged enduring relationships with leading global health organizations, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi, the Global Fund, the World Bank Group, the World Health Organization, Welcome Trust, and Unitaid, in addition to governments around the world. BCG often serves as a link that connects multiple, disparate efforts to build a powerful response to global health issues.
Our Client Work in Global Health
BCG supported the World Health Organization in developing a strategy to address antimalarial drug resistance in Africa. The team drew on expertise from more than 70 interviews and reviewed over 100 publications to identify interventions that delay the spread of resistant parasites. BCG then worked with the Global Fund, which invests billions each year to fight malaria, to define pathways to implementation and ensure that future treatments remain effective.
Together with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, our global health consultants developed a real-time risk score tool that analyzes patient care, predicts risk, and enables targeted intervention, thus helping to maximize scarce resources and improve health outcomes for children.
We partnered with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to develop a user-centric approach for harnessing advanced analytics in the fight against HIV. This work is an important step toward reaching the goal of achieving an AIDS-free generation.
BCG worked with WHO, UNICEF, Unitaid, the Global Fund, BMGF, GAVI, the World Bank, and other organizations and partners to support the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, a groundbreaking partnership that has accelerated the development, production, and equitable distribution of COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines.