Connect with Laurent Demeur to unlock insights and solutions.

Headshot of BCG expert Laurent Demeur

Laurent Demeur

Director San Francisco - Bay Area


  • MBA, Vlerick Management School
  • Post-masters in economy and management, Solvay Business School
  • MSc, electrical engineering, ISI, Pierrard

Honors and Awards

  • Cisco Catalyst Innovation award, 2013

Laurent Demeur is global solution business director for Boston Consulting Group’s Catalyst Cloud data platform. The SaaS-based, scalable offering combines BCG’s digital IP, business process acumen, and best practices, with Microsoft’s powerful cloud computing capabilities in a next-generation platform that helps customers use AI and advanced analytics to manage their data, strategy, and business processes.

Laurent leads BCG’s global data and digital platform, reporting the digital journey to BCG senior leadership. His team is responsible for designing and scaling the overall BCG digital cloud solution—designed to help the firm’s consultants and clients collaborate on advanced data-driven engagements. He joined BCG in 2020 after eight years working various senior manager positions at Cisco, as well as leadership positions at several digital marketing agencies and telecom services providers.

Connect with Laurent Demeur to unlock insights and solutions.