What's Possible? BCG on Generative AI

How can business leaders gain a competitive edge while building for the future? BCG experts look around the corner at generative AI's potential across industries and functions.

  • BCG CMO Jessica Apotheker speaks about generative AI in marketing

    What's Possible? GenAI and Marketing

  • BCG managing director & partner Chris Meier speaks on generative AI in health care

    What’s Possible? GenAI and Health Care

  • What’s Possible? GenAI and Customer Service

    What’s Possible? GenAI and Customer Service

  • What’s Possible? GenAI and Consumer Packaged Goods

    What’s Possible? GenAI and Consumer Packaged Goods

  • What’s Possible?: GenAI and Innovation

    What’s Possible?: GenAI and Innovation

  • What’s Possible? GenAI and Banking

    What’s Possible? GenAI and Banking

  • What’s Possible? GenAI and Insurance

    What’s Possible? GenAI and Insurance

  • What's Possible? GenAI and Information Technology

    What's Possible? GenAI and Information Technology

  • What’s Possible? GenAI and Media

    What’s Possible? GenAI and Media

  • What’s Possible? GenAI and People

    What’s Possible? GenAI and People

Meet the Speakers

headshot of cmo jessica apotheker (1).jpg

Jessica Apotheker

CMO, Managing Director & Partner



Chris Meier

Managing Director & Partner


Headshot of BCG expert Matthew Kropp

Matthew Kropp

Managing Director & Senior Partner

San Francisco - Bay Area

Headshot of BCG expert Nicolas de Bellefonds Managing Director & Partner

Nicolas de Bellefonds

Managing Director & Senior Partner


Suchi Srinivasan

Suchi Srinivasan

Managing Director & Partner



Michael Strauß

Managing Director & Senior Partner


Headshot of BCG managing director and senior partner Christopher Freese

Christopher Freese

Managing Director & Senior Partner


Headshot of BCG X Expert Vlad Lukic

Vladimir Lukic

Managing Director & Senior Partner; Global Leader, Tech and Digital Advantage


axel griewel

Axel Griewel

Managing Director, BCG Platinion

Platinion – Cologne

Headshot of BCG expert Allison Bailey

Allison Bailey

Managing Director & Senior Partner; Global Leader, People & Organization Practice; former BCG Fellow


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