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In a complex business environment, any company can face market shifts, deteriorating profitability, cash scarcity, or a governance crisis. The challenge lies in objectively understanding your situation and intervening rapidly with solutions that ensure survival. We work shoulder-to-shoulder with businesses to help them navigate this complex process. Our turnaround and restructuring consulting experts have led thousands of major corporate turnaround and restructuring programs across industries and markets worldwide.





BCGのターンアラウンド支援は、 ALM Intelligenceにより、最近、ターンアラウンドとリストラクチャリングに対する結果志向のアプローチが評価され、市場リーダーとして認められました。BCGのターンアラウンドのコンサルティングチームは、リストラクチャリング・プロセスのあらゆる側面に精通したエキスパートの実践的な経験と、BCGの広範な業界と機能にわたる深い専門知識を組み合わせて支援します。この組み合わせにより私たちは、クライアントがリストラクチャリングを乗り越え、トランスフォーメーションを推進できるよう支援できる独自のポジションにつけています。


  1. 価格を引き上げるための独自の機会を活用する 
  2. コスト削減のためにサプライヤーと協力する 
  3. 運転資本と資本構造における手元資金を解き放つ 
  4. 納品パフォーマンスと在庫最適化のバランスをとる 
  5. 労働コストの増加と労働力不足を軽減する 
  6. エネルギー消費を構造的に削減する 
  7. 裁量支出削減の準備をする

Our Turnaround and Restructuring Services

We have a broad portfolio of turnaround and restructuring services that we customize to fit a company’s unique needs and context, along with regional differences, regulatory considerations, and other factors.

  • Turnaround Planning. Building an operational turnaround plan to restore the top line, profitability, and cash optimization
  • Distressed M&A and Carve-outs. Developing buyer- and seller-specific M&A concepts for distressed companies and business units  
  • Independent Business Review. Assessing a company’s situation and plan to support discussions with management, shareholders, and creditors 
  • Restructuring Office. Working shoulder to shoulder with management to implement an operational turnaround plan and restore profitability
  • Cash Office. Establishing a short- and medium-term cash trajectory through enhanced cash control and working capital measures
  • Insolvency Support. Supporting management and shareholders to assess and steer restructuring and insolvency issues

Our Clients’ Success in Business Restructuring and Turnaround

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Our Business Restructuring and Turnaround Solutions

Our special situations team has a collection of solutions to complement their turnaround and restructuring services and make progress with clients from day one. This toolbox includes turnaround levers and estimates by industry; working capital levers and estimates; cash modeling tools; and a battle-proven turnaround management, governance, and steering manual. In addition, the team leverages proprietary BCG products, including:

リストラクチャリング、ターンアラウンド 最近の論考

Meet Our Turnaround and Restructuring Consulting Experts

Our special situations team has decades of experience supporting companies—across industries and regions—manage their business restructuring and turnaround. Here are some of our experts.

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Jochen Schönfelder

Managing Director & Senior Partner


伊藤 隆
Takashi Ito

