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Investors, customers, employees, policymakers, and other stakeholders increasingly expect companies to play a role in addressing critical societal challenges including climate change and economic inequality. In this environment, leaders must reimagine their corporate strategy, portfolio, and business models, and embrace a true sustainability transformation—one that drives innovation, creates value, and enhances the robustness and resilience of the business.

Our Approach to Sustainability Strategy

Companies that drive sustainability at scale create value in a host of ways, from capturing new growth markets and building new revenues streams to higher market valuations and enhanced employee retention. We help companies set a clear sustainability strategy that links positive environmental and societal outcomes to core drivers of competitive advantage and value creation, allowing them to transform their business models and value chains to capture the value they create.
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サステナビリティのビジョン、戦略、大目標の定義。 成功するサステナビリティ戦略は、パーパスにしっかりと根ざし、長期的な価値創造に焦点を合わせたものであり、組織のトップが推進します。私たちはクライアントと協働して、クライアントの業界にとって現在、そして将来に向けて重要な環境、社会、ガバナンス(ESG)のテーマを特定し、事業ポートフォリオ全体にわたるエンドツーエンドのサステナビリティ戦略を構築し、  信頼できるサステナビリティのナラティブを策定します。
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中核事業をサステナブルに。 企業は、既存の事業ポートフォリオやオペレーションのサステナビリティを評価し、強化しなければなりません。私たちはクライアントと協働して、オペレーションを脱炭素化します。クライアントがサプライヤーを巻き込んで、よりサステナブルなサプライチェーンを構築し、デザインに  サーキュラリティ を実装し、市場で価値を獲得できるアプローチを提供するお手伝いをします。
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新しいサステナブルな成長を推進。 企業は、サステナビリティ・トランスフォーメーションを通じて、新たな成長源を切り拓く大きな機会を手にしています。私たちはクライアントと協働して、サステナブル・ビジネスモデル・イノベーションを通じ、サステナビリティを競争優位性として確立します。クライアントが、グリーン製品、気候テクノロジー、自然に根ざした解決策(Nature-based Solution、NbS)などの分野において、サステナブルな新事業・ベンチャーを創出できるよう支援します。私たちはまた、クライアントが、サステナビリティの希少性から成長や利益をとらえる機会を特定し、自社に有利に機能する新たなサステナブル・エコシステムを形成できるよう支援します。
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サステナビリティ・トランスフォーメーションを可能に。 企業は、サステナビリティを大規模に達成するためには、適切なオペレーションモデル、組織能力、ガバナンス体制を、しっかりと整備しなければなりません。私たちはそのためのトランスフォーメーションを支援します。これには、重要なESG評価指標に関連したデータとアナリティクス、  CO2 AIなどのAIツール、測定やレポーティングを可能にするその他のデジタル組織能力に加え、パートナーシップやエコシステムの構築が含まれます。

Our Clients’ Success in Sustainability Transformation

The Path to Sustainable Energy Transformation
As the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) expands into green energy, SOCAR president Rovshan Najaf describes the company's transformative journey and commitment to enhancing sustainability.
The Path to Sustainable Energy Transformation
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BCG worked with a US health care provider to develop its environmental sustainability strategy. The work included benchmarking competitors, identifying and prioritizing material environmental topics, outlining the most promising initiatives based on impact and ROI, and zeroing in on where partnerships and ecosystems could accelerate progress.
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BCG helped a leading US industrial equipment manufacturer drive an ambitious climate and sustainability transformation. We worked with the client to develop a sequential investment plan to accelerate electrification of some of the company’s offerings, trimming product development time from roughly three years to eight months. BCG also assisted the company in a push into an emerging $3 billion green business market.
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BCG helped a large North American retailer move from sustainability ambition to action. We assessed more than 250 existing projects to identify roughly 25 priority initiatives. For each, we outlined key activities, milestones, and potential financial impact; and established a change management and stakeholder engagement plan to accelerate progress toward becoming a sustainable business.

Our Insights on Sustainability Strategy

Press Release

A Leader in Sustainability Strategy Consulting

BCG has been named a Worldwide Leader in ESG and Sustainability Strategy Consulting by IDC MarketScape. Find out what sets us apart.

Meet Our Sustainability Strategy Consulting Leadership Team

BCG’s sustainability strategy consulting team helps build sustainability as advantage by designing a business sustainability strategy that’s tailored to each client’s individual needs. Here are some of our experts in sustainability strategy and transformation.

Managing Director & Senior Partner, BCG Henderson Institute Fellow

David Young

Managing Director & Senior Partner, BCG Henderson Institute Fellow

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Sylvain Santamarta

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Managing Director, Brighthouse

Maggie Schear

Managing Director, Brighthouse
San Francisco - Bay Area

Managing Director &amp; Partner;<br/>Southeast Asia Lead, Climate and Sustainability

Dave Sivaprasad

Managing Director & Partner;
Southeast Asia Lead, Climate and Sustainability

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Marjolein Cuellar

Managing Director & Senior Partner
San Francisco - Bay Area

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