


What Is a Digital Ecosystem?

A digital ecosystem is when many largely independent economic players join forces to create a digital offering that is more valuable than a single company’s product or service. Some digital ecosystems develop solutions—like a connected car or a smart home. Others bring together buyers and sellers on a digital platform.

Our End-to-End Approach for Digital Ecosystems

BCG helps companies looking to develop or participate in a digital ecosystem move from strategy to scale in less than 24 months.

  • STRATEGY. To capitalize on the benefits of digital collaboration, companies must craft a forward-thinking digital ecosystem strategy, navigate the startup community to spot potential partners, and identify the partners that can make an immediate impact. 
  • BUILD-UP. Because new technologies, partners, and competitors emerge all the time, it’s vital to adapt and pivot during the initial phases of ecosystem growth. We work with clients to create a flexible, agile model for designing, setting up, and governing a digital ecosystem.
  • SCALE. Orchestrators of collaboration networks need to create a sense of community and trust while ensuring that all participants benefit. Value—whether it’s data, IP, or financial gain—must be shared to create strong and lasting partnerships.


BCGは、アジア最大級の通信企業の1つであるCelcom Axiataと協働して、シンプルな電話カードを、Boostという電子ウォレットとライフスタイルのアプリに変換しました。2年もたたないうちにBoostはマレーシアのキャッシュレス・プラットフォームのトップブランドの地位を確立しました。Boostは17の銀行と12万5千を超える事業者が参加するデジタル・エコシステムで、参加事業者数は今も増え続けています。


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デジタルエコシステム エキスパート

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Alex Koster

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Partner & Director, BCG Henderson Institute Fellow

Ulrich Pidun

Partner & Director, BCG Henderson Institute Fellow

Managing Director & Partner

Andreas Klar

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Shashank Modi

Managing Director & Partner
New York

Managing Director & Partner

Tarandeep Singh

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