
Data shared by the Internet of Things (IoT) offers a powerful opportunity for businesses to design new customer offerings, deliver enhanced efficiencies, and provide unprecedented insight into how to deliver value. Our IoT consultants help unlock the next level of innovation.

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IoT leaders understand that, at its core, IoT is a fundamental component—and enabler—of digital transformation. But winning with IoT means connecting more than just devices. It means linking your strategy with your digital journey; employing the right emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and blockchain; collaborating with the right partners and digital ecosystems; and establishing new processes and ways of working.

It’s a tall order, but by understanding the new IoT trends—such as better economics, edge computing, AI and AR, blockchain, and improved connectivity—and how best to leverage them, organizations of all types—businesses, governments, and nonprofits alike—will find that the possibilities for innovation and value are virtually boundless.

Our Approach to IoT Adoption

To harness these trends—and create an IoT strategy that fuels true digital transformation—our IoT consulting team helps organizations consider a number of crucial questions:

  • Where do we build, and where do we buy, across IoT’s six-layer stack of devices, backbone, applications and analysis, security, communications, and services?
  • How do we identify the right partners and digital ecosystems—because few companies will be able to do everything alone—for filling in gaps in our technical and business capabilities?
  • How do we adopt—and facilitate—new ways of working to establish cross-functional alignment and accountability?
  • How do we reengineer core business processes to capture the full value of IoT?
  • How do we develop or acquire the necessary talent, especially in such areas as analytics, AI, and software engineering?
  • How do we create a scalable technical infrastructure that ensures the fast deployment of new use cases?

BCG’s IoT consultants help organizations zero in on the answers—to unlock new revenue streams, efficiencies, and possibilities—using our IoT consulting approach that integrates strategy, technology, and human components to drive the best outcomes.


We Drive IoT Adoption Across All Industries

  • 自動車。IoTは、スマートナビゲーションや自律運転、モビリティや電気自動車などの、パワフルなユースケースを実現しています。
  • エンジニアリング製品とインフラ構築。IoTは、航空と防衛に加えて、機械や産業オートメーションにおいても、引き続きユースケースを可能にしています。
  • 素材とプロセス産業。特に、農業関連作業において、IoTを通して、実社会におけるデータの力が活用されています。
  • 運輸・物流。物流、郵便・宅配、鉄道、海運のセクターでは、引き続きIoTデータが活用されています。




  • テクノロジー。特に、IoTデバイスの管理やセキュリティの方法、データの収集や分析の方法に関して、テクノロジーはIoTの重要なイネーブラーです。デバイスやクラウドのバックボーンから、アプリやアナリティクスにいたるまで、あらゆるIoTスタックにこれが当てはまります。
  • 通信。通信は、デバイスやクラウドからアプリケーションにデータを送信する上で、欠くことのできない役割を果たします。IoTデータの価値を実現するためには、5Gもエッジコンピューティングも重要なテーマです。

IoT is a core component for trace-and-trace of vehicles for home delivery, customer experience, the physical retail space, and the connection with retail employers to ensure customer service is optimized.





IoT 最近の論考など

IoT エキスパート


Managing Director & Senior Partner, Global Sector Leader, Technology

Akash Bhatia

Managing Director & Senior Partner, Global Sector Leader, Technology
Silicon Valley - Bay Area

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