
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an engine for growth, but inflows—and competition for them—are tightening. We help governments take an end-to-end approach to accelerate and attract investment.

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Foreign direct investment has undergone a sea change as digital economies, geopolitics, and factory automation spark declines in FDI inflows. To attract investment, governments need to create value propositions that don’t just resonate but differentiate.

Some countries are already on this path. With strategies to spur local innovators, ecosystems, and talent, they’re creating assets—and opportunities—that help them stand out in a heated FDI environment. Success requires a holistic, end-to-end approach to drawing and facilitating investment. For many countries, that will be a sea change, too.

BCG’s Approach to Foreign Direct Investment

With many products now taking digital form, and Industry 4.0 technologies making it more practical to reshore certain work, governments need to create an effective—and sustainable—engine for foreign direct investment in international business.

Our foreign investment consultants work with key stakeholders—such as investment promotion agencies (IPAs) and ministries of development—to create strategies and structures that drive FDI, job creation, and economic development for the long term.

And because we can call on a global network of experts, covering a full range of topics and capabilities, we can help at every step along the FDI journey:

  • Diagnosis. We assess a country’s FDI readiness: analyzing the quantity and quality of FDI inflows; measuring the effectiveness of current enablers, policies, and incentives; and identifying roadblocks.
  • Value Proposition. We help countries identify ways to leverage their existing, nascent, and potential strengths to meet important market needs—and stand out in a crowded FDI landscape.
  • Enablers. We work with governments to develop policies, incentives, and resources that support their value propositions and accelerate investment. This includes everything from streamlining bureaucratic processes to creating full-fledged innovation centers.

Our experience on the other side of the equation—assisting global companies with their location and sourcing strategies for foreign direct investment—is another key asset we can call upon. By understanding business requirements and challenges, in industries as varied as agriculture and technology, we help countries develop the kind of compelling value propositions that generate FDI opportunities. And keep generating them.



ルワンダの投資アクセラレーター。BCGの海外投資領域のコンサルタントはルワンダ政府と協働して 同国初の投資アクセラレーター、すなわち比較的人口が少ないこの内陸国における海外直接投資(FDI)を推進するための中心的ハブを設立しました。投資アクセラレーターは投資プロセスの全過程をマネジメントするもので、注力すべき領域の特定、バリュープロポジション(価値提案)の策定、ディールの設計、政府の長期的機能の構築を行います。多くの民間企業を変革してきたのと同様、FDIも変革しうるアジャイルの原則を活用して迅速に動きます。投資アクセラレーターは最初の18カ月間に1億3,000万ドルの投資を呼び込み、9,000人分の雇用を創出した他、間接的な形で20,000人の雇用を生み出しました。
バングラデシュにおけるイノベーション。BCGは、国レベルでイノベーションと人材育成を推進するために、この国のエマージングテクノロジーのCentre of Excellence (CoE)を設立しました。同センターにより、バングラデシュはエマージングテクノロジーのハブとしての態勢を整え、同国と現地企業は、グローバルIT企業とビジネス・プロセス・アウトソーシング(BPO)企業の関心を集めるようになりました。この取り組みにより、2年以内に1,500人超の雇用機会と5,000万ドル超の輸出収入が創出されました。

Our Proprietary Foreign Direct Investment Tools

One other unique resource we tap: our FDI Tool Box, a set of proprietary tools that support our experts and clients in assessing FDI readiness, identifying obstacles, and attracting FDI in a more efficient and sustainable manner.

AI in the Public Sector

For more than ten years, BCG reports have analyzed the connection between a country’s sustainable economic growth and citizen well-being. This year, we explore how AI will affect economies worldwide.

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Managing Director & Partner

Rami Rafih

Managing Director & Partner

Partner & Director, Trade, Investment & Geopolitics

Cristián Rodríguez-Chiffelle

Partner & Director, Trade, Investment & Geopolitics

Managing Director & Partner

Szabolcs Markovszky

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Tolu Oyekan

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Nurlin Salleh

Managing Director & Partner
Kuala Lumpur

Managing Director & Partner

Arnaud Ginolin

Managing Director & Partner
Ho Chi Minh City

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