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What is personalization?



Empower me

Which steps and use cases in the customer journey do you want to personalize?

Empowering the customer requires a commitment to approach every customer as unique. Our approach allows you to deliver personalized offers and experiences that support and inspire customers, and ultimately foster lasting relationships.

Know me

How integrated is your customer data? Which collection methods are in place?

Effective personalized marketing requires an in-depth understanding of your customers. Our approach to personalization helps you to deepen and broaden customer relationships to enable more relevant personalized interactions through a real-time, 360-degree view of the customer—including who they are, what they want, and how they have engaged so far—with data sets informed by direct customer relationships.

Reach me

What is the current state of your intelligence capabilities? How do they map to your personalization efforts?

A successful approach to customer personalization hinges on connecting with the right customer, in the right channel, at the right moment. Our personalization consulting experts leverage always-on intelligence to design and activate personalization experiments at scale, as well as orchestrate next-best actions across channels.

Show me

Is your current state of your content development scalable?

A crucial element of customer personalization is delivering the right content to each individual customer. We help clients to create and tailor dynamic content in real-time—by leveraging generative AI— to speak individually to each customer.

Delight me

How frequently are you measuring and updating touchpoints based on new interactions?

Successful personalization requires you to continuously learn about your customers. Our approach to personalized marketing is focused on enabling you to learn from each customer interaction and to make rapid improvements to the customer experience based on insights from real-time touchpoints.


Common Roadblocks in Personalization

Order BCG’s Personalization Strategy Book

Cover of the book Personalized: Customer Strategy in the Age of AI by BCG experts Mark Abraham and David Edelman

Personalized: Customer Strategy in the Age of AI

By Mark Abraham and David Edelman

Amazon Learn about the Book


BCGのパーソナライゼーションに関するコンサルティング ツールキットでは、業界、テクノロジー、機能に関する専門知識・経験を独自のやり方で組み合わせてクライアントを支援します。エージェントのような組織能力、最先端のアナリティクス、およびBCG独自のツール群も活用して、スケーラブルなパーソナライゼーション ビジネスを構築できるよう企業を支援します。カギとなるパーソナライゼーション・リソースには、以下のようなものがあります。

BCG パーソナライゼーション・インデックス™ ・アセスメント

BCGのパーソナライゼーション領域のエキスパートは、BCGの知見をBCGパーソナライゼーション・インデックス™ として定量化しました。これは、個別企業レベルと業界レベルの両面でパーソナライゼーションの成熟度を評価できる仕組みです。この評価から得られるインサイトは、戦略ロードマップの優先順位付け、成長促進、顧客満足度向上に役立ちます。

Start Your Personalization Maturity Assessment
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BCGのテクノロジー構築とデザインの専門集団であるBCG Xは、高度なテクノロジーに関する知識と意欲的な起業家精神を組み合わせて、組織がパーソナライゼーション・マーケティングのトレンドを理解し、マーケティング・パーソナライゼーション・プラットフォームを構築し、大規模なイノベーションを実現できるよう支援します。世界有数のテクノロジスト、サイエンティスト、プログラマー、エンジニア、デザイナーからなるグローバルチームには、AI、機械学習、データを活用するエキスパートが含まれており、パーソナライゼーションを通じたトランスフォーメーションを推進します。

Fabriq hero

Fabriq Personalization AI by BCG X

最先端のツール、モジュール、統合能力のセットであるFabriq by BCGを使用することで、ユーザーはさらなるスケーリングやリファクタリングを行うことなく、BCGのモジュラーアーキテクチャを既存のテクノロジースタックに統合し、新しいデジタル・パーソナライゼーションの取り組みを迅速かつ効果的に実装できます。

Our Awards and Recognition for Personalization Consulting

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2024 SIIA CODiE Award: Best Marketing Solution

BCG and BCG X won the 2024 CODiE Award for Best Marketing Solution for Fabriq Personalization AI by BCG X. The award recognizes the best solution that enables companies to plan, target, market, and measure the effectiveness of campaigns promoting products and services to consumers and/or businesses online, off-line and via mobile devices. The CODiE Awards judges noted, "Fabriq empowers marketers with a powerful suite of tools for real-time personalization, media spend optimization, and seamless campaign management with existing tech stack. Its ability to bridge the tech gap, cater to diverse campaign goals, and deliver measurable results makes it a super competitive solution for brands looking to personalize customer experiences and maximize marketing ROI."


BCGのパーソナライゼ-ション コンサルティングチームは、パーソナライゼ-ションの先進企業と協力してきた豊富な経験があります。また他の企業が、それらの一員となるための支援もしてきました。パーソナライゼーションの成功のいくつかの好例をご紹介します:

Caldic’s Data-Driven Digital Transformation

The global distributor and solution provider of ingredients and specialty chemicals partnered with BCG and BCG X to launch a data-driven digital transformation, providing personalized recommendations by customer and generating pipeline growth.

パーソナライゼーション 最近の論考・動画など


The Power of Personalization in the Age of AI

Sharing insights from his research, BCG's Mark Abraham highlights a key mindset that can help companies boost their growth—and delight their customers—in today's era of AI.

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Retail Spotlight: Personalization in Action

Top retailers on the BCG Personalization Index can achieve an estimated $570 billion in incremental growth by harnessing first-party data to make customer interactions faster, easier, and more convenient.

Personalization Done Right

Personalization Done Right

AI has made brand-differentiating personalization not only possible but essential for success. Companies that have embraced it are driving next-level personalized experiences—and are gaining sustainable advantages.

Content Creation Is Key to Marketing Success

Companies should prioritize content creation to build trust and engage audiences before launching products, says BCG’s Neal Zuckerman.

パーソナライゼーション エキスパート


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