

capital project management_hero_rectangle.jpg
Large capital projects take time and investment, but they call for other important elements too: alignment with strategy, collaboration among stakeholders, visibility into how things are progressing, and a relentless focus on value. Our capital project management consulting experts help clients pull all these levers, because each is necessary to raise the curtain on capex projects that deliver.

Our capital project management services are anchored by enablement. We provide organizations with the tools, expertise, and ways of working that let them develop large capital projects efficiently and effectively, from start to finish. The idea is to unleash collaboration and data so stakeholders not only work together better, but can correct course quickly as circumstances evolve.

This combination of collaboration and visibility ensures that everything you build or improve, every adjustment and priority, adds value to your capex project. To foster this agile, value-based approach, our capital project management services are built on seven pillars.

あらゆる設備投資計画の中心には、それを実現する人がいます。だからこそ、 組織設計が、設備投資プロジェクト管理戦略の重要な要素になります。私たちは、大規模設備投資プロジェクトに必要な組織能力にアクセスし、組織が、必要なスキルを利用あるいは開発できるようにします。また、チーム組織モデル、組織能力サーベイ、キャパシティ計画を通じてクライアント企業の組織能力を構築するとともに、トレーニングや 人材育成を通じて従業員の能力向上も支援します。
大規模設備投資プロジェクトは、人や環境など周囲の世界に大きな影響を及ぼします。BCGの設備投資プロジェクト管理のエキスパートは、企業が、持続可能なプロジェクトを設計して、パリ協定や気候変動に関するその他の枠組みを順守し、社会的責任に関する自社の目標に向け前進できるよう支援します。私たちは、評価を実施し、炭素排出ベースラインを設定し、脱炭素化の計画や取り組みを進展させます。さらに、BCGは、企業の外にも目を向け、グリーンエネルギーによる大規模プロジェクトの開発や サステナビリティに向けたグローバルインフラの開発も支援します。

Our Client Success in Capital Project Management

We’ve worked with leading organizations, across industries and in the public sector, on large capital project management to help them break new ground and seize new opportunities.

Established More Effective Capital Portfolio Management to Detect Early Risks. For a European EPC contractor focused on contracts in power and utilities as well as oil and gas, our work resulted in a 30% reduction in use of overall contingencies. We partnered with our client to deploy a new capital program management toolkit that allowed for early detection and management of risks.
Accelerated Completion of a Severely Delayed Public Transit Infrastructure Project. At the time we were engaged, there were fewer than 100 days left until the announced delivery date of this over €1 billion public transit project. We immediately set up a war room to get a clear view of the overall schedule and the remaining work. To accelerate project completion, we quickly formed individual command centers for each subproject where we assessed risks and optimization opportunities. Our work led to an eight-month reduction in time to project completion and more than €15 million in cost savings.

Explore Our Insights on Capital Project Management

設備投資プロジェクト・マネジメント エキスパート

We are thought leaders in capex planning, but we’re also facilitators, sparking the ideas and conversations that drive large capital projects forward. Meet some of our team below.

Managing Director & Partner、オペレーショングループ 日本リーダー

北川 寛樹
Hiroki Kitagawa

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Marco Tonegutti

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Partner & Director

オウ スンウック
Seungwook Oh

Partner and Director, Design, Engineer, Build

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