

Behavior Change_hero_rectangle.jpg

Transformations, new business models, novel uses of technology: successful change management can unlock previously unimaginable organizational growth. However, sparking and sustaining the necessary behavioral change is difficult. Most change programs fail because they don’t sufficiently drive human behavior toward needed habits and actions for success. That’s why our insights and solutions are informed by behavioral research and analysis. Some say change management is an art. We know it’s a science.

Our Approach to Behavior Change

BCG’s Behavioral Science Lab is a team of strategists, behavioral scientists, economists, psychologists, and anthropologists. Our behavioral science approach uses evidence-based methods and interventions to predict and shift behavior, fostering change that benefits organizations, their employees, and those they serve, whether customers or citizens. Typically, we work with clients in one of three ways:

  • Establishing a dedicated behavioral science function within an organization that not only homes in on the factors that influence behavior or hinder change but also implements precise interventions 
  • Fostering behavior in business that helps advance a specific goal, such as the adoption of generative AI, human-centered design, or agile ways of working 
  • Sparking the broad behavioral change that is required by a complex transformation; more specifically, moving a large number of people away from behaviors that worked well in the past but are less effective in a new competitive or technological landscape 

Every engagement is defined by collaboration. We work side by side with clients and draw on BCG’s full roster of experts—those in traditional business areas, including people and organization strategy, as well as emerging technologies, such as AI. Like all BCG teams, we prioritize enablement, ensuring that clients fully develop the capabilities necessary to sustain behavior change.

Our Impact in Driving Behavior Change

The Behavioral Science Lab works with organizations across industries and across the globe. While different engagements call for different solutions, all share a common goal: to understand the motivations, impediments, and interventions that influence change. Here are some examples of our impact.

ある大手金融機関は、コスト削減のために行動変容を模索していました。BCGの行動科学コンサルタントは働き方のパターンを分析し、ソフトウェア システムを使用して、クライアントが4,000万ドルの節約を実現できるよう支援しました。しかし、行動変容を促すことで別の利点も発生しました。金融機関のリーダーから得られる満足度が30%向上したのです。
ある製薬会社は次世代セールスの構造改革に取り組んでいました。この計画を強化するため、BCGはナッジ エンジン(実際にはAI を活用した仮想マネージャー)を設計しました。このエンジンは、会社の現場部隊に対して望ましい行動を促すプロンプトを提供しました。結果として、セールス通話が58%増加し、各通話に対する平均在院時間が25%増加しました。

Our Tools to Support Behavioral Science in Business

We use proprietary tools, anchored in data and scientific methods, to customize and optimize solutions for behavior change. These solutions empower clients, fueling a long-term capacity for identifying the pain points and interventions that are most relevant to business behavior.

We also help clients by using best-in-class behavioral tools and approaches, such as randomized control trials and Remesh sessions, which collect qualitative insights from audiences in real time and at scale. These methods and resources complement our proprietary toolkit. Here are two of our most important resources:

行動変容 最近の論考など

行動科学 エキスパート


Managing Director & Partner

Kristy Ellmer

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Gertie Find Laerkholm

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Julia Dhar

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Partner & Director, Change Management & People Strategy

Davide Urani

Managing Partner & Director, Change Management & People Strategy

Partner, Leader of Behavioral Science Lab in North America

Sana Rafiq

Partner, Leader of Behavioral Science Lab in North America
Washington, DC

Managing Director & Partner

Nicole Sibilio

Managing Director & Partner

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