Executive Coaching









BCG helps senior leaders and leadership teams drive transformational change and set the foundation for long-term impact and value creation. Research shows that coaching senior leaders can increase the likelihood of transformation success by more than 70%. We work in lockstep with organizations’ broader change initiatives, and our programmatic approach allows us to coach multiple leaders around a shared North Star. Moreover, this approach enables continuous feedback loops and rapid interventions.

We view every coaching engagement as a true partnership between leader and coach that provides a safe, confidential, and deep level of support when leaders need it most. Our coaches are former C-suite executives who have been in the same shoes as the leaders they coach. They have felt the same pressures, made the same tough decisions, and learned from the same mistakes. BCG’s executive coaches come with a deep understanding of strategic and operational context and can help other leaders deliver on their most pressing business or organization objectives.

We work with our clients’ most senior leaders in two ways:




BCG’s executive coaching services team has helped leaders in multiple industries navigate change efforts of all kinds, including operating model redesign, agile ways of working, digital transformation, post-merger integration, organizational design, and culture transformation. Recent engagements include:



oil and gas


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With the cultural shift sparked by the pandemic, BCG managing director & senior partner Debbie Lovich gives three essential tips so leaders can reinforce autonomy, let go of rigid corporate bureaucracy, and reshape work to better fit the lives of all employees.

エグゼクティブ・コーチング 最近の論考・動画

BCGのエグゼクティブ・コーチはリーダーシップに関する深い専門知識と考え方を提供します。また、エグゼクティブ・コーチは厳格な認定を受け、長年にわたるコーチング、アドバイス、メンタリングの経験を有します。北米および欧州のコーチ陣のリーダーシップ・アドバイザリー経験を合計すると1,100年を超えます。その中には Fortune 100社の元幹部が20人超含まれています。


Our coaches gave us, as the new leadership team, a clear picture around how the rest of the organization viewed us—our place and our roles in the new organization. The coaching helped us to jump-start the new org, taking away the guesswork. As a result, it took us a lot less time and lot fewer false starts to get up and running effectively as a team and to be able to lead our organization in new ways.

President, International Oil and Gas Company

We've been through change efforts before, but this feels entirely different. The investment in 1:1 coaching has, without question, made us better leaders. Our coaches have given us the confidence and the capability to drive change and achieve our stretch business goals. The coaching has been the most valuable and impactful resource provided to us as we navigate this transformation.

Business Unit President, North American Technology Company

Today I was offered the job to lead all of operations, something that would not have happened without my coach’s advising, mentoring, and friendship.

Chief Operating Officer, Major US Supermarket Chain

I cannot thank my coach enough for her support and advice. She literally changed my life. I feel so grateful for this experience and am definitely better for it.

Senior Director of Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution, Global Pharmaceutical Company

Leadership by Design: Navigate the complexities of today’s leadership and management environment.