
ビジネス環境が複雑化した今日、企業が抱える難しい経営課題には正解がないため既存のビジネスモデルや解決策では太刀打ちできません。こうした問題に独自の解を提供することを、経営戦略コンサルタントはクライアントから望まれています。 確実に結果が出る実効性の高い解を提供し、クライアント、さらには業界そのもの、社会を変革していく。これが経営戦略コンサルティングの世界、BCGが全力を傾けている世界です。 

Types of Consultants at BCG

Generalist Consultant


Specialty Consultant


Expert Consultant


Data Scientist


View and apply for jobs at: BCG Digital VenturesBCG GAMMA

IT Consultant

ITコンサルタントは、クライアントおよびITアーキテクトと協力して、技術ノウハウ、ビジネス・コンテキストの深い理解、高度な分析および概念スキルを適用してITアーキテクチャー・ソリューションの開発とインプリを行います。 View and apply for IT consultant roles with BCG Platinion

Agile Coach


View and apply for Agile Coach roles with BCG Platinion

My most memorable case experience was developing wholesale banking solutions for one of the largest banks in Southeast Asia. We worked with our clients to develop sector solutions through an agile process. This helped them open up 1,600 opportunities with new and existing clients, and we exceeded our target of generating $85 million in incremental revenue for the bank in 2018. This was hard work, but extremely rewarding for everyone.

Gloria Ong

I quickly found my home at BCG within the Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx community when I started as a Growing Future Leader (GFL) intern in the summer of 2016. Now, as I navigate through BCG, it’s amazing to have a group of people I can rely on for both career and life advice. Even further, this network has introduced me to some of my best friends and most influential mentors.

Amira Hannon
New York

I love to travel, and one of my favorite things about BCG is being able to combine my passion with my every day work. I’ve always wanted to live in Australia, and after I expressed my interest in the region to a New York partner, he immediately put me in touch with his colleagues in Sydney. In just two days I was on a flight to work with one of the largest media companies in Australia. This not only fulfilled my personal interests, but it also continued my learnings in the Technology, Media, and Telecom (TMT) sector.

Neema Aggarwal
New York