Public sector banks are the mainstay of the Indian Banking industry. They have dominant market presence and play an important role in fueling investment needed for the country's economic development. In the post-financial crisis period, PSBs faced multiple challenges. The Government launched a comprehensive reforms strategy for the financial ecosystem and Public Sector Banks.

The 'EASE Reforms for Public Sector Banks- CLEAN & SMART Banking for Aspiring India' is the 1st ever Annual Report on the EASE Reforms Index- measuring the performance of Public Sector Banks on PSB Reforms EASE Agenda. It highlights the achievements of the PSBs and the strong progress they have made across the 6 themes of Reform- Customer Responsiveness, Responsible Banking, Credit Off-Take, UdyamiMitra for MSMEs, Deepening FInancial inclusion & Digitalisation and Developing Personnel for Brand PSBs.

The Report is also an encapsulation of the 'State of the Banking Industry' and highlights the important developments in the banking industry which are contributing to continuous growth and progress of PSBs in India.