

Value-Based Health Care-Hero.jpg
Health care systems have a value problem, and the usual solutions—such as cost containment—are not solving it. For more than a decade, our value-based health care consulting experts have worked with health care innovators to help organizations develop cutting-edge value-based health care strategies in order to improve patient outcomes while maintaining or lowering total costs.

What is Value-Based Health Care?

Health outcomes vary widely across hospitals, regions, and countries. And this holds true irrespective of the amount of money invested in the systems: those that spend the most money do not necessarily provide the best care. There is growing evidence that a substantial portion of health care spending is, quite simply, wasted on avoidable medical complications or medically unnecessary treatments.

To address these problems, industry leaders have begun to embrace value-based health care. Health systems around the world are systematically collecting, sharing, and analyzing health outcome data by disease group and population segment. By making this data standard and transparent, clinicians can benchmark and compare performance across care sites, document variations in health outcomes, identify best practices, and steer resources toward interventions and practices that have the highest value for patients. At BCG, we believe value-based health care models provide the best path towards improving the quality of care and curbing excess health care spending.

The Benefits of Value-Based Health Care

By focusing on—and tracking—the health outcomes that matter most to patients, health care organizations achieve many benefits:

  • Health systems deliver better outcomes more consistently.
  • Innovative, value-adding treatments are identified and disseminated more rapidly.
  • Total health care costs are controlled more effectively, because unnecessary procedures are eliminated, expensive complications occur less frequently, and repeat treatments are avoided.
  • Clinical research is accelerated because evidence is generated more quickly, enabling faster development of improved clinical guidelines.
  • Treatments are better matched to the needs and preferences of individual patients.

Our Client Work in Value-Based Health Care

オランダの病院がバリューベース・ヘルスケアを活用 オランダにある7つの先進的な大学病院から成るネットワークは、バリューベース・ヘルスケアのアプローチを採り入れ、不要な入院を約30%、乳がん患者の合併症による再手術率を74%、削減できました。透明性を重視し、患者にもたらされる価値を戦略の中核に据えることにより、これをわずか1年半で達成しました。
欧州の保険者が、患者のジャーニーを最適化 ある欧州の保険者は、患者のジャーニー全体を最適化することにより、予防や治療の成果を改善するとともにコスト削減を図りたいと考えていました。この機関は、BCGのPatient Finderプラットフォームを用いてリアルタイムでインタラクティブなアナリティクスにアクセスし、患者のジャーニーのマッピング、予測モデルの構築、ユースケースの特定を行いました。これによる潜在的なコスト削減は、全体で3億ユーロに上ります。
ヘルスケアシステムがバリューベース・ヘルスケアの成熟度を評価 オーストラリアの2州の政府は、バリューベース・ヘルスケア導入への準備状態を評価したいと考えていました。私たちは両州の成熟度を評価するとともに、世界の競合とパフォーマンスを比較するベンチマーキング調査を行い、バリューベース・ヘルスケア・モデルへの移行を継続する準備を支援しました。
医療機器メーカーが、バリューベース・ヘルスケア・ダッシュボードを開発 あるグローバル医療機器メーカーは、主要な国・地域を対象に、バリューベース・ヘルスケアにおける影響度を評価したいと考えていました。私たちは、バリューベース・ヘルスケアにおけるこの企業の成熟度と影響度の包括的な見通しを提示し、短期的な機会を特定するとともに、継続的に全ポートフォリオを追跡するためのダッシュボードを作成しました。
多国籍製薬会社が、将来のシナリオをマッピング ある多国籍製薬会社は、向こう10年におけるバリューベース・ヘルスケアの進化を予測したいと考えていました。私たちはこの企業と協働して、出現しつつあるトレンドを特定し、4つの異なるシナリオと各シナリオの示唆を概説したうえで、後悔のない施策を優先順位付けしました。

How We Support the Value-Based Health Care Agenda

We have partnered with pioneering organizations to uncover value-based health care insights and drive a common agenda for change.

  • Cofounder of ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement. The mission of ICHOM is to serve as a catalyst for the global value-based transformation of health care by defining standard sets of outcome measures that matter most to patients and supporting the definition and dissemination of best practices.
  • The Global Coalition for Value in Health Care. In 2019, the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with BCG, formed the Global Coalition for Value in Healthcare, a public-private collaboration to accelerate the transition to value-based medical care in health systems around the world.
  • MedTech Europe. BCG and MedTech Europe, a European trade association representing the medical technology industry, have forged an ongoing collaboration on value-based procurement in medtech. They have partnered with leading procurers to develop a framework that helps contracting authorities in the health care industry make smarter procurement decisions based on an enhanced ratio of quality to price.

Our Proprietary Tools for Delivering Value in Health Care

Our value-based health care consultants use a variety of proven benchmarks, tools, and frameworks to help track and drive progress toward value-based health care. Examples include:

バリューベースヘルスケア 最近の論考など

Our New Book on Value-Based Health Care

Our New Book on Value-Based Health Care

How can health systems deliver patient-centered, value-based care worldwide? To answer this question, BCG experts Stefan Larsson, Jennifer Clawson, and Josh Kellar (with Robert Howard) examine powerful case studies of public and private innovators in high- and low-income countries alike. The Patient Priority is designed as a practical step-by-step guide for clinicians, payers, and policymakers to put these ideas into action to deliver more value in health care.

Meet Our Value-Based Health Care Consulting Experts

Our value-based health care consultants partner with leading companies to develop solutions in outcome measurement, health registries, value-based medical care, value-based payment models, value-based reimbursement in health care, value-based agreements, and more.

Partner and Director, Value-Based Health Systems

Jennifer Clawson

Partner and Director, Value-Based Health Systems

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Josh Kellar

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Senior Advisor

Stefan Larsson

Senior Advisor

Managing Director & Partner

Stefano Cazzaniga

Managing Director & Partner

Partner and Associate Director

Nicolas Busch

Partner and Associate Director

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Srikant Vaidyanathan

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Heike Dorninger

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Jad Bitar

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Ben Keneally

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Magen Xia

Managing Director & Partner


Adina Symreng


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