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Companies focused on manufacturing machinery, components, and equipment for industrial automation have two critical roles to play in our ever-changing world. First, their products must enable other industrial companies to become highly automated, digital, and sustainable businesses. Second, they need to understand and harness the top trends transforming the machinery and industrial-automation industry today. BCG’s machinery and industrial-automation consultants collaborate with leaders to explore:

  • Digital Disruption. How can machinery and industrial-automation companies monetize the volumes of data that digital technologies generate and capture? How can digital offerings and services generate additional revenue streams to help these companies compete against software giants and telcos? How do traditional companies make the leap from manufacturing hardware-centric equipment to delivering fully digitized products and services? (See the exhibit below.)
  • The Challenging Future of Automation. How will advances in automation technologies erase the boundaries between information and operational systems? How can industrial-automation companies navigate the cyber-physical hybrid networks that combine new technologies? How can machinery and industrial-automation companies best set their game plans to capture the value pools emerging from these new ecosystems?
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Winning Strategies in Machinery and Industrial Automation

BCG’s machinery and industrial-automation consulting offerings include a comprehensive suite of advisory services and tools. We help our clients navigate the challenges and address the opportunities emerging in the machinery and industrial-automation industry landscape. Our team comprises more than 200 core senior consultants and experts around the globe who possess in-depth experience across the entire value chain of machinery and industrial automation—including general machinery and components, digital machinery, industry-specific machinery, industrial automation and controls, and building technology.

Our machinery and industrial-automation consultants are supported by researchers, analysts, and experts in 90 offices around the world, as well as a cadre of senior advisors. We have supported more than 1,400 global client projects in the machinery and industrial-automation industry since 2015, helping our clients tackle various challenges in such areas as strategic planning, corporate development, operations, marketing and sales, and workforce planning.

The adoption of integrated, software-enabled business models holds significant growth potential—worth billions of dollars—for today’s manufacturers and other industrial players. By leveraging data from connected products and machinery—combining hardware, software, and services—industrial companies can create subscription-based offerings that unlock new customer value and generate recurring revenue. BCG partners with clients to design and launch software-as-a-service business models that improve productivity, reduce costs, and drive endless opportunities for growth through subscription-based offerings.
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私たちは機械・産業オートメーション企業がデジタルトランスフォーメーションの必須要件を満たせるよう支援します。私たちの支援には、デジタル化の優先順位の設定、中核事業のデジタル化、新たな収益源の考案とそこへの投資、データからの価値抽出、デジタル志向の新たな働き方の習得などが含まれます。BCGのテクノロジーとデジタル、デザインの専門家集団である BCG Xは、データ、アドバンストアナリティクス、AI、機械学習、アナリティクス・ソリューション設計、デジタルビジネス構築に重点的に取り組みます。

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Managing Director & Senior Partner

Brian Myerholtz

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Simon Rees

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Georg Kappen

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Partner、気候変動・サステナビリティグループ 日本リーダー

半谷 陽一
Yoichi Hangai

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Partner

Michael Dahle

Managing Director & Partner

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