
The property and casualty (P&C) insurance industry must respond to economic conditions and evolving customer preferences by transforming operations and embracing new ways of working. Our property and casualty insurance consulting team helps insurers adapt and thrive.

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As the P&C insurance market changes, insurers need to embrace new strategies and ways of working as well as accelerate investments in digital and analytics. Retail P&C insurers must satisfy customers who are more conscious of brand and value and who are more willing to research and purchase insurance online, switch insurers, and buy from nontraditional providers. On the commercial side, providers must contend with more complex supply chains, value chain disruption, and market developments, including increased cyber risks and regulation. A competitive market is also pushing partnerships and larger M&A deal sizes.

To adapt, both retail and commercial insurers must:

  • Rethink their value propositions and improve the customer journey by offering more personalized products and reinventing distribution.
  • Operate efficiently to minimize costs and maximize margins.
  • Form new partnership ecosystems.
  • Adopt digitization—including artificial intelligence (AI), smart operations, and advanced analytics—and combine human creativity and expertise with the power of technology to build for the future.

Our Approach to the P&C Insurance Market

Our property and casualty insurance consulting team helps P&C insurers transform and work more efficiently to reduce costs and improve the value they deliver to customers and shareholders. We do this by:

  • Identifying the strategies, partnership agreements, technology investments, and M&A deals that spark growth
  • Working with clients across the insurance value chain, including product development, sales, underwriting, claims, payments, and customer service
  • Combining digital transformation expertise with knowledge of strategic workforce planning to help clients adopt agile at scale and future-proof their workforces

Our approach to P&C insurance consulting is built on our understanding of the non-life-insurance business. That comprehension was developed in part through our work with some of the world’s preeminent insurance players, our knowledge of industry sectors and regional markets, and our partnerships with leading clients through enterprise-wide transformations. BCG senior consultants with deep industry experience, including experts who previously worked for top P&C insurance companies, also contribute to our insight.

We combine our P&C insurance consulting capabilities with a set of proprietary tools.


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BCGの 保険業界に関する広範な経験に基づいて開発された9つのレバーは、保険会社がデジタル成熟度におけるギャップを解消して顧客により優れたサービスを提供するうえで重要です。
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BCGの損害保険業界のコンサルタントは トランスフォーメーションのエキスパートと連携し、縮小する市場を勝者として切り抜ける上で企業が必要とする短期的なインパクト創出と長期的なトランスフォーメーションの双方を支援します。
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BCGの インシュランスエクセレンス・ベンチマークは、顧客中心主義やデジタル化など、カギとなる要素に沿って自社のパフォーマンスを評価できるツールです。さまざまなデータを活用し、保険会社が競合上のギャップを特定して解消する上で有用なツールです。
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Our Latest Thinking on Property and Casualty Insurance


Managing Director & Partner、保険グループ 日本共同リーダー

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Katsuyoshi Kurihara

Managing Director & Partner

Managing Director & Partner、グローバル化戦略グループ 日本リーダー

スイーニー ・マット
Matt Sweeny

Managing Director & Partner、グローバル化戦略グループ 日本リーダー

Managing Director & Partner

橋本 堅太郎
Kentaro Hashimoto

Managing Director & Partner
