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Time is up for the traditional approach to economic development. While boosting GDP is important, policymakers no longer have the luxury of waiting for gains to translate—hopefully—to improvements in citizens’ lives. Instead, they need to deliver growth and well-being simultaneously. By creating jobs, nurturing skills, and improving access—for all—to services and opportunities, governments create a foundation for faster, more sustainable economic development. This requires pulling a variety of levers in a carefully orchestrated way.

Our Approach to Economic Development Consulting

The dynamics around economic development are rapidly evolving, and the most crucial levers for economic development can also be the most challenging to apply. New technologies and business models are shifting economic growth to new sectors. Rising levels of inequality and increasing competition for foreign investment are adding complexity—and urgency—to achieving sustainable economic growth and well-being. Our economic development consulting team helps governments and policymakers tackle the imperatives and impediments alike.

  • Innovation. Nations that innovate excel at job creation, entrepreneurship, talent, and ecosystems. But unleashing innovation requires significant investment and streamlined bureaucracy. We work with governments to develop comprehensive, long-term strategies. Case in point: helping Vietnam create its National Innovation Center, a hub for advances—and opportunities—in Industry 4.0 technologies.
  • Financial Inclusion. When financial services are readily accessible, whole populations can improve their lives and open new doors. Yet 1.7 billion adults are still unbanked. We use new lenses—such as behavioral economics and geospatial mapping—to understand why people don’t, or can’t, use certain products, and to figure out how to build better solutions.
  • Public-Private Partnerships. How can government and the private sector work together to drive better outcomes? We look at the factors that make—or hinder—successful partnerships, such as regulatory systems, institutional support, and the climate for foreign direct investment. Then we design solutions—such as Rwanda’s Investment Accelerator—to spark interest from private companies and spur collaboration.



モロッコにおけるファイナンシャル・インクルージョン(金融包摂)を促進 利用しやすそうな金融商品が市場に投入されても実際に利用する人は僅かというのは、よく見られる問題です。BCGはモロッコと協働して、特に女性の間で見られる普及率の低さの背後にある要因を解明し、モバイル決済やマイクロファイナンスなどの戦略的手段やイネーブラーに焦点を絞りました。私たちは150の重要な施策を特定し、真に包摂的なファイナンシャル・インクルージョン実現のためのロードマップを策定しました。
バングラデシュでイノベーションを推進 BCGは、国レベルでイノベーションと人材育成を推進するために、同国のエマージングテクノロジーのCentre of Excellence (CoE)を構築しました。このCoEにより、バングラデシュはエマージングテクノロジーのハブとしての態勢を整え、同国と現地企業は、世界のIT企業やビジネス・プロセス・アウトソーシング(BPO)企業の関心を集められるようになりました。この取り組みにより、2年以内に1,500超の雇用機会と5,000万ドル超の輸出収入が生み出されました。

Our Economic Development Tools and Solutions

The tools we use in economic development consulting consist of cutting-edge resources and programs that help us quickly develop the optimal strategy for a particular region. Our most important tools include:

Our Partnerships on Economic Development

We partner with some of the world’s most influential global economic development organizations, collaborating to gain insights on how new—and often disruptive—ideas, technologies, and business models can further sustainable economic growth and well-being. For example, we’ve worked with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to examine how cash-in/cash out systems—and mobile money agent networks in particular—can foster financial inclusion.

Explore Our Insights on Global Economic Development

AI in the Public Sector

For more than ten years, BCG reports have analyzed the connection between a country’s sustainable economic growth and citizen well-being. This year, we explore how AI will affect economies worldwide.

経済発展 エキスパート


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Makoto Morihara

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Harish Hemmige

Managing Director & Senior Partner; President & CEO, BCG Federal Corporation
Washington, DC

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