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Freight forwarding and logistics companies continue to be vexed by overcapacity in the industry and competition from players all across the value chain. Surmounting these ongoing challenges is not impossible—unless companies come at the problems in the same way they always have. With our help, they can use digital technologies to develop a variety of innovative business models that will dramatically improve the customer experience and eliminate entrenched operational inefficiencies.

How We Help Companies in the Logistics and Freight Industry

Our freight and logistics consulting team partners with companies specializing in sea forwarding, freight forwarding, contract logistics, road and air freight, and cargo.

  • We collaborate with clients on innovation. Winning market share in the 2020s demands that logistics and freight companies innovate to address customer pain points even before they are articulated—and continue to do so consistently. We help clients to streamline and accelerate their innovation processes and to hire, train, and lead their teams to become more agile.
  • We help our clients become customer-centric. Our freight and logistics consulting team fuels innovation by helping our clients gather more detailed and better-structured data so they paint a fine-grained picture of existing customers and their needs. We then channel that knowledge to reenvision quoting and booking processes, salesforce organization and efforts, pricing strategies, and a robust and balanced portfolio of offerings.
  • We partner with logistics and freight industry companies to build advanced IT, analytics, and digital capabilities. Formulating a sound freight strategy requires an in-depth understanding of the technological landscape, market conditions, probable future trends, and competitors’ capabilities. For some companies, the best approach is to build these capabilities through acquisition; for others it is organic growth. Our freight consulting team helps navigate both paths. We also bring deep industry expertise—and broad experience applying tech and digital across industries—to develop digital logistics and freight offerings, and launching data platforms with multiple participants including competitors.
  • We advise clients on transformations that better integrate their freight operations. We help rethink operating models to achieve greater supply chain visibility, services bundling, and other efficiencies. These transformations enable companies to add such new services as customs clearance, inland transportation, and warehousing. Ultimately, the resulting gains in efficiency, functionality, and connectivity position logistics and freight companies to deliver end-to-end supply chain management and other solutions.



私たちは貨物輸送・物流企業と協働し、 デジタル・プラットフォーム、予測アナリティクス、アドバンスト・モニタリング、オペレーションの自動化を含むデジタル施策を展開します。




Our Client Work in the Logistics and Freight Industry

ブロックチェーンを活用した情報共有ソリューションの創造。私たちは、貨物輸送業界の最大手2社と協働して、サプライチェーンのパートナーが相互に接続されたエコシステムを生み出しました。その協働の結果、バリューチェーン全体にわたる透明性の実現を支え、サプライチェーン・マネジメントにおけるイノベーションを推進するソリューション、TradeLensが生まれました。これは、同セクターにおける ブロックチェーン技術の最初のアプリケーションの1つであり、立ち上げ以来、多くのパートナーがこのエコシステムに参加しています。


BCGとパートナーシップを組んでいる世界的ベンチャーキャピタル・ファーム、B Capitalグループは、B2Bスタートアップ企業の初期拡大段階に投資し、起業家と企業リーダーの間のパートナーシップを育んでいます。私たちは、起業家と エマージング・テクノロジーの導入を目指す企業を結びつけることにおいて、格別の成功をおさめています。
BCG Xは、BCGのテクノロジー構築と設計の部門であり、貨物輸送・物流戦略のエキスパートと連携して、企業が、クライアント所有のAIを活用したソリューションや機械学習アルゴリズムを開発し、独自テクノロジースタックに統合するのを支援します。

物流・貨物輸送業界 最近の論考など

Our Freight and Logistics Consulting Experts

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Mikkel Krogsgaard

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Managing Director & Senior Partner

陈 庆麟
Ted Chan

Managing Director & Senior Partner
Hong Kong

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Dustin Burke

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Jennifer Bratton

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Giovanni Moscatelli

Managing Director & Senior Partner

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