Growth AI by BCG Recognized in POI’s 2023 Enterprise Planning Vendor Panorama Report

“Best in Class” Distinctions Awarded in Four Areas


“Best in Class” Distinctions Awarded in Four Areas

BOSTON—Boston Consulting Group (BCG) was awarded four Best in Class distinctions in Promotion Optimization Institute (POI)’s 2023 Enterprise Planning Vendor Panorama Report, an annual report that evaluates leading vendors to help manufacturing and consumer products companies discover the latest technology and services that drive profitable growth.

  Growth AI by BCG, a holistic suite of AI offerings that combines historical data, consumer insights, and powerful machine learning algorithms to help consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies maximize their growth potential, received Best in Class distinctions in four areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Financial Orientation & Simulation
  • HQ Analytics & Insights
  • Bespoke RGM Solution
POI 2023 Enterprise Planning Vendor Panorama Report - 'Best in Class' Distinctions

POI’s report recognized that by leveraging the deep expertise of both BCG and BCG X, BCG’s tech build and design business unit, Growth AI delivers a prescriptive AI solution with highly advanced revenue growth management (RGM) capabilities.

POI’s report emphasized that, as a fully customizable bespoke solution, BCG’s end-to-end revenue management offering “provides optimal answers to top-to-bottom business questions.” The report also underscored the strength of the service accompanying the solution implementation, including “strong change management” and a “focus on embedding the new ways of working into the operations.”

In addition, POI’s report highlighted BCG’s utilization of advanced modeling and machine learning techniques that can be “readily customized to accurately represent market, portfolio, channel, and/or retailer-specific demand drivers and business constraints.” The report noted that these models are tolerant of data scarcity and can quantify uncertainty.

According to POI’s report, “BCG has delivered an AI solution for the market that is steeped in expertise. It has been successfully deployed at numerous Tier 1 CPG companies across markets and categories. They have invested heavily and have a solid roadmap for investment to continue to deliver what the industry needs to manage net revenue. They complement the solution with service to ensure companies are getting the full value the solution can provide.”

“It’s an honor to be recognized for the second year in a row by the Promotion Optimization Institute,” said Sylvain Duranton, a BCG managing director and senior partner, and global leader of BCG X. “Between changing consumer needs and market volatility, a massive evolution is underway in the CPG industry. This past year, we’ve put tremendous effort into evolving our Growth AI suite and expanding our solutions so that we can best partner with pioneering CPG firms.”

Learn more about Growth AI by BCG here.

To access the full POI 2023 Enterprise Planning Vendor Panorama report, click here.

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Media Contact:
Eric Gregoire
+1 617 850 3783

About BCG X

BCG X is the tech build & design unit of BCG.

Turbocharging BCG’s deep industry and functional expertise, BCG X brings together advanced tech knowledge and ambitious entrepreneurship to help organizations enable innovation at scale.

With nearly 3,000 technologists, scientists, programmers, engineers, and human-centered designers located across 80+ cities, BCG X builds and designs platforms and software to address the world’s most important challenges and opportunities.

Teaming across our practices, and in close collaboration with our clients, our end-to-end global team unlocks new possibilities. Together we’re creating the bold and disruptive products, services, and businesses of tomorrow.

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