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- Future of Work
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- Industry 4.0
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- カスタマージャーニー
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- ESG in Private Equity
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- Oncology Solutions
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- 高等教育
- K-12(幼稚園~高校の13年の教育期間)
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- ウェルスマネジメント
- 決済・トランザクションバンキング
- 資産運用
Most Recent Insights

Greater biodiversity is the key to healthier soil. And healthier soil is the key to a range of environmental and economic benefits. Here’s how to achieve them.

Corporate climate action is becoming an increasingly vexing challenge. Evidence is mounting that the tangible impacts of climate change are being felt now, and stakeholders are demanding action.

Leaders must boost the finance function’s performance in several key areas to enable their companies to successfully navigate the energy transition.

Generative AI presents risks, but the go-to solution—humans reviewing the output—isn’t as straightforward as executives think. Oversight needs to be designed, not delegated.

New fuels can decarbonize the commercial aviation industry, but stakeholders will need to move faster to achieve 2030 targets.

Market pressures have made data, digital solutions, and AI-driven tools indispensable for competitiveness, while enhanced service offerings are essential for long-term revenue growth.

Recent nuclear projects in Europe and the US have taken far longer to complete than new builds elsewhere. Here’s how to speed up the process.

The digital euro could transform Europe’s economy. But unlocking its full potential requires vision, the right governance structure, and a robust digital ecosystem.
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Report Collection
BCG Executive Perspectives
BCG Executive Perspectives offer insights on global topics that matter most to leaders in the public and private sectors. Explore the latest edition from our team of experts, introducing how AI will shape the future of functions.
今こそ、グローバルな気候変動対策を行動に移す時 BCGはクライアントが気候・サステナビリティへの取り組みの道程を加速し、新たな機会をとらえて競争優位性を築けるよう支援します。
Personalized: Customer Strategy in the Age of AI
Personalization is a $2 trillion opportunity. BCG's new book offers a playbook for capturing your share of this personalization prize.
Center for Geopolitics
BCG's Center for Geopolitics offers insights and strategies to navigate global power shifts, helping businesses prepare for the future of geopolitics.
Podcasts by BCG
Explore BCG’s podcast library where we share conversations and discussions with experts and global leaders from different industries and capabilities.
Video Collection
TED@BCG Talk Collection
Combining the best of TED with the best of BCG, we partner to deliver the latest insights and ideas shaping business and society.
Article Collection
Three Roads to Equitable and Inclusive Talent Development
Talent can be hard to source and retain, even as segments of the US population lack access to satisfying, supportive jobs. Three initiatives are making a difference.