Today's business landscape is witnessing a surge in technology-led innovation, propelled by ubiquitous connectivity, cloud-based infrastructure, and big-data analytics. Such innovation threatens to make many of today's business models, value chains, and cost models obsolete, translating into both risk and opportunity. For businesses, creating competitive advantage in this rapidly evolving environment means recognizing the reality that every company really is a technology company. It also demands thinking in new boxes rather than just thinking outside of old ones.
The October 2013 issue of IT Advantage features a range of perspectives and insights on how companies can approach and ultimately thrive in this environment.
- There are Big Data’s Five Routes to Value ; companies must recognize them and determine how to zero in on the right opportunities.
- For companies that have yet to How to Get Started with Big Data , the best approach is to dive right in by applying advanced analytical approaches to their company's highest-priority challenges.
- Today's rapidly evolving digital capabilities—particularly mobile, social media, big data, and cloud technologies—offer financial services companies entirely Customer-Centricity in Financial Services Goes Digital .
- Peter Weill, chairman of MIT CISR, shares his insights on how companies can achieve Peter Weill on Digitally Driven Customer-Centricity .
- 3D Printing Will Change the Game will have a sizable impact on many industries—and do so far sooner than many pundits expect.
- Cathryn Riley, COO of Aviva, discusses her recent transformation of the company's IT and her efforts to turn Aviva into a " Aviva’s Cathryn Riley on Becoming a “Digital Insurer” ."
- Smart Contracting in IT Outsourcing necessitates instituting a comprehensive optimization process for contracting and contract management.
- The Age of Digital Ecosystems: Thriving in a World of Big Data will profoundly disrupt businesses in nearly every consumer-centric industry.