

Energy Hero
The world needs energy—affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy. But meeting the world’s energy requirements with net-zero climate impact is one of today’s most complex challenges.

Energy companies need to leverage the latest technologies, re-engineer processes, and rethink business models to drive change. BCG works with clients to build sustainable, competitive energy solutions to achieve a net-zero energy world for all.

Our Energy Services

BCG draws on a deep understanding of the energy industry, technologies, and stakeholders to help clients tackle today’s energy challenge and tap into new opportunities around the world. We work with business leaders, governments, and ecosystems to ensure that solutions are as practical as they are equitable and just.
脱炭素化により、2030年までに最大26兆ドルの経済的利益がもたらされる可能性があります。私たちは、 セクターおよび 企業固有のアプローチで、クライアントが効果の高い脱炭素化手法を特定し実行できるよう支援します。
BCG's upstream oil and gas consulting team prepares companies for future challenges by leveraging global expertise to ensure sustainable growth.
地政学的な課題や サプライチェーンのボトルネックから、急激なインフレ、金利の上昇、成長の鈍化まで、それぞれのディスラプションがエネルギーの将来とネットゼロへの道筋にどのように影響するかを考察します。
私たちはAIの専門知識を活用して、クライアントが先進的なアナリティクスとソリューションを適用し、エネルギーへのアクセス、 排出量削減、オペレーションの卓越性に関する優れたインサイトを得られるようにします。

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How BCG Is Shaping the Future of Energy

Traditional energy sector boundaries are blurring as companies throughout every industry reach different stages in their energy transformation. As the new energy future continues to emerge, leaders must turn away from old approaches, embrace new thinking, and reinvent business models to ensure the proper supply and demand of sustainable energy for both businesses and the world beyond.

BCG’s energy consultants help clients decarbonize and rapidly scale zero-carbon solutions and technologies by working shoulder-to-shoulder with them to solve the energy trilemma—ensuring affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy—no matter where they are in their energy transformation.

Tomorrow’s energy solutions take shape today as BCG orchestrates innovative models and partnerships that strive for what’s best for all of us.

Together, we need to rethink our energy production and consumption, come up with holistic solutions, and respond to the challenges and opportunities facing our planet.

Our Client Success in Energy

Explore BCG’s key takeaways from Davos 2025 on growth, global challenges, and impactful leadership, providing insights for resilience and sustainable progress.

Our Center of Excellence

Our Latest Thinking on Energy

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