Decoding Global Talent Collection of Publication and Reports

Decoding Global Talent

Ten years ago, we launched the Decoding Global Talent series to watch trends in the wide world of work. Workers’ preferences—for destinations, for job features, for ways of working—have shifted. But mobility overall has shown enduring appeal.

The Latest in Workforce Trends

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How Work Preferences Are Shifting in the Age of GenAI

People are embracing GenAI. And they acknowledge that their jobs will change, sometimes significantly. Accordingly, their preferences about what matters to them at work have changed, too. What a survey of 150,000 people in 188 countries tells us about seeking and keeping work in the face of technological disruption.

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Dream Destinations and Mobility Trends

Employers, countries, and individuals benefit when people pursue jobs across borders. What a study of 150,000 people in 188 countries tells us about where people will move for work—and why.

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Decoding Global Talent

A survey conducted by BCG and The Network shows that 64 percent of workers around the world would take a job abroad—and generally not for economic reasons. For HR executives, the emerging trends have huge implications.

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