The Power of Resilience and Tech

A Focus on Marketing and Data Creates Opportunities for a Foodservice Chain

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Building up the resources needed to move from a single-channel to an omnichannel brand is a monumental task, especially while growing globally. Beloved food and coffee brand Pret A Manger accomplished this ambitious mission by building better connections with customers to gain powerful insights and expand the brand’s reach worldwide. A partnership with BCG X helped them reach their goals faster, identifying key capabilities and enabling team members to do more so Pret A Manger’s best-in-class customer service grew even stronger.

Pret A Manger’s plan entailed comprehensive outreach to customers, connecting with them digitally just as efficiently as the company does in person through its thousands of stores. This led to increased store traffic and more frequent visits.

Leapfrogging Pret A Manger’s marketing capabilities isolated data points for Pret A Manger. Better understanding of customers’ tastes—down to ingredients they like—even helped the brand innovate new product offerings.

With innovative technology and market insights, BCG X was able to assist Pret A Manger in its mission to deliver great value to customers while also leveraging data to move the brand forward.

Amaryllis Liampoti

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