The Green Economy Represents an Opportunity to Supercharge New Zealand

Megatrends in Detail
By  Geoff Healy Phillip Benedetti Rebecca Russell, and Richard Hobbs
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This article is part of a series on BCG’s Inaugural New Zealand Megatrends. It outlines the growth in one of the megatrends – the green economy – and the opportunity for New Zealand to become a leader in five areas: eco-tourism, sustainable construction, low-carbon energy system, sustainable food production, and green consumer products. The article also builds on the perspectives shared in The Ten Actions to Accelerate New Zealand Towards Net Zero .

Unlocking New Zealand's potential: Green economy megatrends offer opportunities in eco-tourism, sustainable construction, low-carbon energy, sustainable food, and green consumer products.

BCG predicts the value of the global green economy will reach NZD$9.4 trillion by 2030 (see Exhibit 1). This presents one of the largest economic opportunities in decades for New Zealand given the country’s 100% Pure brand, pristine natural environment, abundant renewable energy resources, and sustainability-minded society.

To realise these economic opportunities, while preserving and enhancing New Zealand’s natural environment and mitigating the impact of climate change, BCG has explored five fast- growing opportunities for New Zealand’s green economy:

  1. Eco-tourism: Delivering tourism through more environmentally sustainable travel, business practices, and tourism experiences. 
  2. Sustainable construction: Developing more sustainable homes, buildings, and infrastructure, including leveraging the country’s strong position in biogenic building materials. 
  3. Low carbon energy system: Capitalising on New Zealand’s highly renewable electricity system to attract low-carbon industry and enable the net zero transition through electrification of transport, heat, and industrial processes. 
  4. Sustainable food production: Producing world-leading natural and sustainable food through premium product development, aggressive investment in R&D to reduce agricultural emissions, and adoption of best practice technologies to improve productivity. 
  5. Green consumer products: Developing premium retail products with lower environmental impact, transparent supply chains enabled by digitisation, and clear sustainability metrics to attract a growing segment of customers that value sustainability. 

1. Eco-tourism

Tourism is a vital part of New Zealand’s economy. Domestic tourism expenditure has remained relatively stable at $25 billion per year from pre-COVID levels to current levels in the year ended March 2023. 1 1 Stats NZ, 2023, Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2023 However, international tourism expenditure declined by ~90% during COVID from NZD$18 billion per year pre-COVID to NZD$2 billion in the year ended March 2022. As a result, tourism fell from ~20% of New Zealand’s exports to just 2%. The most recent data is brighter international tourism levels in March 2023 were ~20% below pre-COVID levels.

As New Zealand emerges from the pandemic, eco-tourism is an opportunity to reinvigorate the tourism sector and the 100% Pure New Zealand brand. According to Tourism New Zealand data, people actively considering travel to New Zealand score the country highly on its pristine landscapes and scenery, and connection to the land relative to other destinations. 2 2 Tourism New Zealand, 2023, Active Considerer reports

Two global trends are changing the nature of tourism

Rise in eco-tourism: Consumer awareness of the environmental footprint of their travel is on the rise, with 81% of travellers stating that sustainable travel is important. 3 3 Corporate Traveller, 2022, Sustainability in Travel: How to Make a Positive Impact 36% of travellers stated they would be willing to pay up to 10% more for air travel with a lower carbon footprint. 4 4 Statista, 2020, Willingness to pay more for a flight with smaller environmental impact

Demand for premium travel: Consumers are looking for more premium travel experiences. The average spend per traveller in New Zealand grew by 18% in the last three years. 5 5 Tourism New Zealand, 2023, Tourism data Many travellers that are seeking premium tourism experiences also want these experiences to be environmentally sustainable.

The global eco-tourism industry is forecast to grow to NZD$700 billion by 2030, 6 6 imarc Group, 2022, “Ecotourism Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast” at 14% per year. New Zealand is well placed to build a more prosperous and sustainable eco- tourism industry that meets these changing consumer needs.

New Zealand can harness the rise in eco-tourism

Support sustainable air travel for international visitors to New Zealand: For most international travellers, New Zealand is a remote destination which is a potential threat to the tourism industry as concerns over the carbon footprint of air miles rise. In the future, potential visitors to New Zealand may choose a destination closer to home if air travel to the country is not sustainable. Anticipating this changing consumer preference, Air New Zealand has committed to at least 10% sustainable aviation fuel by 2030 and has set a target for net zero emissions by 2050. 7 7 Air New Zealand, Flight NZ0™ Policy support for decarbonising international travel to New Zealand is likely to be required to protect New Zealand’s tourism industry over the longer term.

Drive low environmental footprint tourism within New Zealand: While improving sustainable travel to New Zealand is vital, it is also important to ensure tourism within the country becomes more sustainable. Low-emissions domestic transport options include e-bike rentals, electric hire car hires, electric buses, electric trains, and sustainable domestic flights. Sustainable accommodation and environmentally friendly tourist experiences are also important. A number of initiatives are underway, such as Waka Kotahi, New Zealand’s leading transport agency, facilitating a nationwide network of fast charging stations for electric vehicles every 75 km along state highways. 8 8 NZ Transport Agency, 2022, National guidance for public electric vehicle charging infrastructure Additionally, the tourism industry’s 12 Tourism Sustainability Commitments, including nature restoration and waste elimination, have been signed by over 1,800 businesses across New Zealand. 9 9 Tourism Industry Aotearoa, 2023, Tourism Sustainability Commitments Directory

Make the most of New Zealand’s natural environment: Natural attractions are one of the primary reasons tourists visit New Zealand, and while consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, they are also looking for more premium eco-tourism services and experiences – and they are willing to pay more for them. International visitors to New Zealand are generally enchanted by its natural beauty, and there is an opportunity to consider how this can be further leveraged to reinvigorate the tourism industry.  

2. Sustainable Construction

Construction is a major part of New Zealand’s economy, contributing NZD$21 billion (7% of GDP) in 2019 and employing 275,000 workers (10% of the workforce). 10 10 Construction Sector Accord NZ, 2021, Construction Sector Accord Progress Report Adoption of sustainable construction materials in New Zealand will result in an increasingly low-carbon built environment. New Zealand already has a unique advantage in this area due to its leading position in biogenic building materials. The environmental impact of residential housing in New Zealand is 16 kg CO2 eq/m2/year, roughly one-third of the international median of 50 kg CO2 eq/m2/year, predominantly driven by the use of more wooden materials in New Zealand. 11 11 Buildings, Dani et al., 2022, “A Comparative Study on the Life Cycle Assessment of New Zealand Residential Buildings”, p.3

Despite this, the built environment still accounts for around 13% of New Zealand’s emissions when the full lifecycle of built materials is factored in (from raw materials to operations, such as energy consumption) 12 12 thinkstep ANZ, 2018, The Carbon Footprint of New Zealand’s Built Environment (see Exhibit 2). As a result, the drive for sustainable construction is a significant opportunity. In New Zealand, sustainable construction of new builds could be worth NZD$142 billion by 2050, or ~NZ$5 billion per year. 13 13 Green Building Council, 2022, “$150 billion economic boost from lower carbon homes and buildings, reveals new report” If retrofitting New Zealand’s existing building stock to meet net zero targets is included, the total economic potential is far greater.

Two trends are driving the shift to sustainable construction

Consumer awareness of the environmental impact of the built environment: More consumers are conscious that building materials such as steel or concrete often contain embedded emissions, which leads them to consider procuring and using lower carbon options or alternatives such as wood. Government and commercial entities are also becoming increasingly aware of their scope three emissions – these are an entity’s indirect emissions that result from procuring goods and services.

Sustainable construction policies and standards: Regulations in New Zealand and around the world are being updated to drive more sustainable construction. For example, the New Zealand government has introduced minimum healthy home standards for all rental homes, which include insulation and stopping wind draughts to improve energy efficiency. The government and the construction sector are also driving direct change by developing green building standards that set benchmarks for sustainable housing and buildings. The New Zealand Green Building Council has introduced Greenstar building standards and Homestar housing standards, and administers the government-backed NABERSNZ energy efficiency rating system for commercial buildings.

New Zealand’s construction sector can unlock significant opportunities in the green economy

Embrace circular economy opportunities within the construction industry. Using waste materials in construction will reduce the carbon footprint of building materials and construction waste. For example, Golden Bay Cement is using a circular economy solution that reduces coal consumption by using waste tyres and wood to develop a new cement product. The new product reduces waste and reduces the embedded emissions of cement by 27%. 14 14 Golden Bay, 2022, EcoSure Cement Type GP

Design homes and buildings with lower environmental footprints. Homes and buildings have both embedded and operational environmental footprints. The embedded footprint comes from the carbon and environmental impact of the materials used (e.g., cement, steel, aluminium) during building, and the operational footprint refers to the energy and water consumed inside the buildings once completed. Homes and buildings that use wood and lower carbon materials will have a lower embedded footprint. New Zealand can reduce the operational footprint of homes and buildings through improved energy efficiency and solar and batteries. For example, Fletcher Living recently introduced a Low Carbon 1.5°C Homes Pilot, with solar panels, high levels of insulation, and efficient heating and cooling that can reduce the operational carbon emissions of a home by up to 85%. 15 15 Newsroom NZ, 2022, “Taking the ‘gas’ out of green house: How to cut 270T of residential CO2 down to 39”


Make economically viable energy efficiency upgrades to existing New Zealand homes and buildings. Between now and 2050, new homes and buildings will make up ~40% of New Zealand’s building stock. 16 16 New Zealand Green Building Council, 2022, “Near zero emission houses and offices” As the existing building stock will still comprise most of the homes and buildings in 2050, it will be important to consider how the operational footprint of these can be improved. Government initiatives like the Warmer Homes program seek to improve the insulation and the efficiency of heating systems to make homes warmer, drier, and healthier and produce a lower operational footprint.

Increased adoption of industry standards for greener construction. The number of green homes in New Zealand is on the rise (see Exhibit 3), and an evolution to more environmentally focussed building standards will continue to reduce both the embedded and operational footprint of homes and buildings. However, the adoption of these standards are still below the levels required to release the full potential of sustainable construction in New Zealand. The sector and Government have the opportunity to work together to increase the adoption of these programs.

3. Low-Carbon Energy System 

A low-carbon energy system presents a very large opportunity for New Zealand to attract low-carbon industries and enable the net zero transition through the electrification of transport, heat and industrial processes. Energy has the potential to play a significant role in our decarbonisation targets, as it represents 40% of national emissions and 70% of net zero carbon target emissions, which exlcude biogenic methane. 17 17 NZ Ministry for the Environment, 2020, “New Zealand’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2020 snapshot”, p.2 BCG estimates that the New Zealand electricity sector to drive 70% of the gross emissions reductions required to reach net zero by 2050. 18 18 BCG, 2022, “The Future is Electric”

New Zealand is already a world leader in renewable energy, with 80-85% of electricity coming from renewable sources. Due to the country’s abundant renewable resources, BCG forecasts New Zealand can cost-effectively achieve 98% renewable electricity by 2030. The installed capacity of renewable electricity will also need to increase as transport and heat electrification drive new demand growth.

Three trends are shaping the energy sector in New Zealand

The drive to reduce energy emissions globally and in New Zealand. Energy is the largest source of emissions globally. As a result, countries are placing a lot of focus on the energy transition. For example, the recently signed Inflation Reduction Act in the United States commits ~NZD$600 billion of investment to clean technology over the next 10 years. 19 19 The White House, 2022, Inflation Reduction Act Guidebook

 Improving clean energy technology and cost reductions. Global investment has driven down clean energy technology costs. Between 2010 and 2020 the cost of wind fell by 65% while the cost of solar fell by 90%. 20 20 International Renewable Energy Agency, 2021, “Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2020”, p.3 While supply chain constraints are currently impacting clean energy technology prices, we expect the long-term trend of declining prices will continue. Other clean energy technologies like hydrogen and battery storage are also improving and costs are expected to continue to decline.

Government policies to incentivise emissions reduction. New Zealand policies like the Emissions Trading Scheme, Clean Car Discount, Clean Car Standard, and the Government Investment to Decarbonise Industry Fund are all starting to strongly incentivise energy emissions reduction. Since the introduction of the clean car discount the uptake of electric and hybrid vehicles have increased by five times. 21 21 Motor Industry Association NZ, 2023, Hybrid, PHEV and EV Statistics Energy emissions in 2022 were 12% lower than they were in 2019. 22 22 Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand energy sector greenhouse gas emissions, Quarterly electricity and liquid fuels emissions data table

The energy sector can help New Zealand to rapidly decarbonise and attract new industry

Accelerate the development of renewable energy. The sector has already made significant progress towards increased renewable generation and is expected to exceed 90% renewable by 2025. However, to achieve the 4.8 GW of new generation needed by 2030, a significant ramp-up in delivery is required.
Electrify transport, process heat and industrial processes. Enabling rapid electrification of transport and heating, powered by renewable electricity, can reduce New Zealand’s emissions by 18.4 Mt CO2-e per year by 2050. 23 23 BCG, 2022, “The Future is Electric”, p.11 It also makes economic sense as electrification represents some of the lowest-cost emissions reduction opportunities across the economy. For example, we estimate that from 2026, electrification of transport will save consumers money while reducing emissions representing a win-win outcome for the country.

Develop a new low-carbon industry in New Zealand. Growing corporate preference for 100% renewable electricity presents an opportunity to leverage New Zealand’s highly renewable electricity system to facilitate a low-carbon energy- intensive industry. Green data centres present an opportunity for New Zealand to improve data security through onshore data storage, and potentially export data services export to Asia. This could also enable greater growth in New Zealand’s digital economy by attracting leading global technology companies to the country. Efforts are already being made to unlock this industry, with two prominent examples. Microsoft has announced three new carbon-neutral data centres in New Zealand. 24 24 RNZ, 2022, “Microsoft’s NZ datacentres to be powered by carbon-zero electricity” Amazon has also announced NZD$7.5 billion in investment in data centres in New Zealand. 25 25 CRN Australia, 2021, “AWS to open $7.25b data centre in Auckland, NZ”

4. Sustainable food production

 Agriculture and food production is critical to the New Zealand economy, providing ~NZ$40 billion in annual exports (67% of goods exports and 47% of total exports). 26 26, 2019, “New Zealand’s primary sector exports reach a record $46.4 billion” New Zealand’s strong agriculture sector stems from its favourable climate and geography, high-quality soils, use of advanced farming techniques, and a strong regulatory environment.

However, agriculture also contributes 48% of New Zealand’s gross greenhouse emissions, dominated by the production of animal products from dairy, sheep, and beef, as outlined in exhibit 4. 27 27 New Zealand Ministry for the Environment, 2022, “Aotearoa New Zealand’s first emissions reduction plan”, p.249 Over 90% of agricultural emissions, such as methane emissions from ruminant animals and nitrous oxide emissions from soils and fertiliser, are hard-to-abate. Despite this, consumers and governments are increasing their scrutiny of the agricultural industry and calling for reduced emissions and increased sustainability.

To continue growing its agricultural sector, New Zealand will need to increase the use of sustainable farming practices to produce sustainable food. Sustainable food is produced, processed, and distributed in a way that minimises harm to the environment and supports the well-being of communities and animals. Sustainable farming is important, as 89% of New Zealand’s exporters believe that New Zealand’s Pure brand image is important to their business, including in the agricultural sector. 28 28 New Zealand Story, 2019, “The New Zealand Story Research”

The opportunity is even larger, as New Zealand is well- positioned to lead the sustainable agriculture and food sector globally. Already, New Zealand's agricultural products are some of the lowest carbon and most environmentally friendly in the world. For example, the carbon footprint per unit of milk production in New Zealand is the lowest in the world and roughly half the global average, as outlined in exhibit 5. 29 29 agresearch New Zealand, 2021, “Research shows NZ dairy the world’s most emissions efficient”

New Zealand’s food industry is being affected by four trends


More demand for premium food: Demand is increasing for premium agricultural products that are natural and environmentally friendly. According to a 2020 survey by the International Food Information Council, 62% of consumers are willing to pay a premium for sustainably grown or produced food products. 30 30  International Food Information Council, 2021, “Consumers are paying more attention to ingredient lists, report finds” There is an opportunity for New Zealand producers to earn a premium by reducing environmental impact and improving the traceability of New Zealand produce to prove its provenance.

Decrease in agri-tech costs and rapid adoption of advanced agriculture systems: Advances in agricultural technology are driving greater resource efficiency and production yields. Vertical farming can improve yields per hectare by 10-20 times 31 31 US Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service, 2022, “Vertical Farming – No Longer a Futuristic Concept” and reduce water consumer by 70-95% relative to traditional agriculture, 32 32 Urban Green Farms, 2022, About Vertical Farming but with a trade-off of higher per hectare costs and energy consumption. However, as agri-tech advances, its cost is coming down and becoming more accessible to farmers. For example, the cost of livestock monitoring systems has decreased by 50% in the past five years due to advances in sensor technologies. 33 33 Ag Funder News, 2022, “Can Agtech solve the problem of livestock disease outbreaks”

Rise in alternative proteins and alternative milk. Alternative proteins are a potential challenge to the meat and dairy industry given their environmental and animal welfare outcomes. Exhibit 6 outlines that alternative meat protein consumption is expected to grow at 15% per year to 2035 as the cost decreases, 34 34 BCG, 2021, “Food for Thought: The Protein Transformation” and products improve in taste and texture. BCG forecasts that in the meat industry, animal-cell-based alternative proteins could reach cost-parity with animal-sourced proteins by as early as 2032 which, when combined with superior environmental and animal-welfare outcomes, is an attractive value proposition for consumers. To stay competitive, the New Zealand agricultural industry will need to improve the environmental impacts from animal-based farming. There is also the potential for New Zealand businesses to consider whether expansion into alternative proteins is an opportunity.

Policy and regulatory efforts to reduce agriculture’s environmental impact: The New Zealand Government has committed to reducing biogenic methane emissions by 10% by 2030 compared to 2017 levels, and by 24-47% by 2050. 35 35 New Zealand Ministry for the Environment, 2022, “Aotearoa New Zealand’s first emissions reduction plan”, p.249 This is more conservative than one of New Zealand’s main dairy competitors – Ireland – which aims to cut agricultural emissions by 25% by 2030 compared to 2018 levels. 36 36 Ireland Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, 2022, “Pathway to 51% reduction in economy-wide emissions agreed – McConalogue confirms 25% reduction in agricultural emissions” Additionally, the Government recently announced that New Zealand would be the first country to price agricultural emissions from 2025. A direct price on agricultural emissions is likely to send a strong price signal to reduce emissions.

New Zealand can lead the world in sustainable agriculture


5. Green Consumer Products

The retail sector is a significant part of the New Zealand economy, with over NZ$112 billion in revenue, and employing 220,000 New Zealanders (9% of New Zealand’s workforce). However, retail goods have a significant environmental impact, representing 40% of global plastic usage and more than 25% of global emissions, when accounting for whole-of- life environmental impacts. 42 42 BCG, 2022, “Sustainability in Retail is Possible – But There’s Work to Be Done”

Green consumer products are those which are designed, manufactured, and marketed in a way that minimises environmental impact. Up to 80% of consumers think about sustainability in their day-to-day purchases, 43 43 BCG, 2022, “Consumers Are the Key to Taking Green Mainstream” and products such as organic food and biodegradable packaging are opportunities for environmentally conscious consumers to minimise their environmental impact. Interest also varies by industry. Consumers are most engaged with sustainability topics for things they buy often, such as food, drinks, and personal items, as outlined in exhibit 7. 44 44 BCG, 2021, “The Consumer Sustainability Journey”

Three trends are driving the growth of green consumer products:

New Zealand product producers and retail businesses can address these changing consumer preferences

As the transition to a green economy accelerates New Zealand is well-positioned to capitalise on the numerous opportunities this presents. Leaders need to consider the implications of these green economy trends for their business and how this could impact value.

The authors are grateful to a number of colleagues for their support and assistance. They include Jan Loubal and Paul Sutherland for marketing, and Debbie Spears, Sean Hotter and Esteban Zapiola for visual services.


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Geoff Healy

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