It’s Time for a UK Trade Strategy That Learns From the Recent Past
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By Raoul Ruparel, Patrick Roche, Dale Williams, James Hollingsworth, Stuart Westgate, Tim Chapman, Edward Zaayman, Helena Fox, and Anja Johnson
The UK is approaching a crossroads when it comes to its infrastructure. Over the coming decades, the energy transition and impacts of climate change will require larger and, in many cases, more complex infrastructure. This is true for most developed economies, but the UK approaches this having significantly underinvested in infrastructure compared to peers. UK overall investment averaged 19% of GDP in the 40 years to 2019, the lowest in the G7.
The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) has estimated that both public and private sector infrastructure investment will need to increase by 30% to 50% over the next decade.
All this comes at a time when there is mounting evidence that the UK’s infrastructure is not working as it should. Our infrastructure underpins everything we do. From energy prices to the cost of housing, if the UK’s infrastructure is not functioning well, economic growth, productivity and our standard of living will suffer. On the flip side, delivering infrastructure projects on time, at reasonable cost and as part of a stable long-term pipeline can be a boom to the economy across the UK. If we have any hope of improving economic growth and meeting the needs of future generations, we must improve our approach to infrastructure delivery.
Understandably, there has been much focus on what infrastructure the UK needs to build, whether it is part of the energy transition or to promote regional economic growth. But we believe this is not the right starting point. First, we must understand the extent to which the UK’s delivery of large infrastructure projects has strayed off track, why this has been the case and how we can begin to fix it. Pushing more money and projects into a failing template is not a solution.
To understand what we need to fix, we need to understand the scale of the challenge. The UK’s performance in the infrastructure space is much maligned – understandably so. But no developed democracy is perfect in its delivery of infrastructure. All must grapple with similar challenges around high labour costs, expensive real estate, dense urban populations and complex public approvals. For example, Germany is renowned for its engineering prowess, yet the recently opened Berlin Brandenburg Airport came in three times over budget and nine years late.
There is a wide-ranging set of academic literature on infrastructure delivery. It reveals a common picture of near-ubiquitous overruns for both cost and schedule – but is highly varied on the extent and drivers of these overruns. For example, Flyvbjerg, et al. 2016 used a dataset of 1,603 projects globally and estimated an average cost overrun of 39% across all infrastructure projects, 40% in rail projects and 24% in road projects.
In the UK there have been several reviews looking at performance in infrastructure delivery. The UK government’s own figures on National Significant Infrastructure Projects show that between 2012 and 2021 delivery time increased by 65% – much of this due to the long and cumbersome pre-application process.
Exhibit 2 compares the UK delivery of road, rail and social infrastructure to a peer group of countries to benchmark its performance across several key metrics: unit cost, time to delivery, time overruns and cost overruns. The data is drawn from BCG’s in-house Prism database which includes detailed information on 2,300 infrastructure projects from 16 countries.
Exhibit 2 shows that, across all types of infrastructure projects, the UK is neither the worst performer nor the best. The median infrastructure project in the UK, when compared to like-for-like projects in peer countries, experiences unit costs which rank in the 52nd percentile. This means it falls roughly in the middle, in terms of unit cost relative to similar projects across similar countries. Notably, however, UK projects tend to come in at higher unit costs compared to European peers, but below the US and Australia.
Digging deeper into specific types of infrastructure shows that when it comes to social infrastructure the UK performs better, coming in above France and the European average, but below US, Australia and Germany (Exhibit 3). However, the UK performs poorly in terms of unit costs when it comes to rail and road: the UK’s absolute unit costs are higher than all other peer countries in our dataset.
The data can also tell us something about the drivers of these higher unit costs, though there are plenty of areas for further exploration given our data focuses primarily on time and cost. Building rail tunnels is significantly more costly than at-grade or bridge construction – highlighting the fact that choosing tunnels to placate public concerns over changing the look of the countryside, or similar reasons, does incur very real costs. But even at-grade rail construction in the UK is costly – in fact it is twice as high as the global average in our dataset. This suggests that even the most basic forms of construction are costly in the UK. We need to do the basics much better.
It is worth noting here that two very large and complex urban rail projects for the UK, Crossrail and the Northern Line extension, mean that the performance for high-cost rail projects is significantly worse than every other country. If these are removed, the UK is in line with peers. Both these projects delivered significant net benefits, so it is important to remember the context. But it does highlight that choosing complex, underground, heavy rail projects involves significantly more cost than light rail or tram projects, for example.
The story for road projects is similar. UK at-grade road projects came in at the second highest amongst peer countries, below only Australia. Germany, the top performer, delivered all their at-grade road projects on time while the UK delivered 64% late. UK projects were on average twice as expensive than Germany’s. Furthermore, smaller road projects in the UK are significantly more costly than peer countries. Once again, this reinforces the need to do the basics better. There are, of course, other issues which our data doesn’t cover in depth which could explain some of the higher unit cost for roads. For example, the number of turns and curves in a road will have an impact on its cost.
Unlike all other peer group countries, the UK also sees relative unit costs increase for rural projects compared to urban ones. UK rural projects tend to be more costly compared to similar projects in other countries (Exhibit 5). This surprising result is driven partly by the UK performing relatively well on urban projects but also by poor performance on rural road projects, combined with the fact that the UK delivers very few non-road rural projects. As we can see, there is already an emerging trend whereby the UK performs poorly at projects where actual construction costs and complexity are expected to be relatively low.
For infrastructure projects, time is just as important as money – probably more so. Exhibit 6 shows the median UK project lies at the 65th percentile, meaning it takes longer than 65% of similar projects. This is broadly in line with the rest of Europe where projects are consistently delivered more slowly. By contrast, the US and Australia complete their projects relatively much more quickly. Taken alone, this isn’t concerning; but when we link it to our cost data above it paints a worrying picture for the UK. Generally, European countries deliver at lower cost but over longer timelines, whereas the US and Australia have higher unit costs but shorter delivery timelines. The UK has the worst of both worlds: US and Australian levels of unit costs, with European timelines for delivery.
This begs the question as to whether the UK’s high unit costs and long timelines are the result of consistent time and cost overruns for projects.
Looking at cost overruns, there is a surprising amount of consistency across our country group (Exhibit 7). Essentially, apart from the US, no other country does particularly well. Cost overruns are incredibly common – in fact they are by far the norm for the UK, Germany, France and Australia. Furthermore, when costs do overrun, they are consistently large. France performs best with an average cost overrun of 47% (for projects that go over budget), an astonishingly high level for the best performer.
There is an important caveat here, however. Typically, for large-scale infrastructure projects, they will use a ‘P50 schedule’ when it comes to cost estimates: this means it has a 50% probability of being exceeded. As such, we would expect around 50% of projects to run over budget. It also means that if, as in the case of the US, the number of projects coming in above budget is significantly below this, it may suggest that infrastructure budgets are overinflated and capital is being deployed inefficiently. While cost overruns are very common and very large when they do occur in the UK, the UK is not an outlier here.
There is more nuance to the picture when looking at different types of infrastructure. For rail projects the US is again an outlier in terms of reducing how often costs overrun; however, when they do overrun, they overrun significantly. For rail projects the UK is middle of the pack in terms of how often costs overrun, but comes in second (just behind France) for the size of the overruns.
When it comes to road projects, the UK sees the highest regularity of overruns along with Australia, although Germany is close behind. But here the average size of overrun is largest for the UK at 66% of original budget. Clearly, the combination of 69% of road projects overrunning and the average overrun being 66% of the original budget is a major problem for the UK. This also probably goes some way to explaining the UK’s high unit cost for road projects.
For social infrastructure, the UK is approximately average for the proportion of projects over budget (61% vs 57%). But as with road, the UK is poor at mitigating the extent of overruns (56% vs 46% average, 32% for Germany).
When it comes to time overruns, the story is again one of a fairly consistent problem across all countries – albeit to a lesser extent than cost overruns (Exhibit 8).
Although the UK’s performance isn’t out of line with expectations, given the approach to scheduling, it is still comparatively worse than peers regarding time overruns. The US and Australia are best at preventing overruns, but worst when they do occur. Just as with cost, France performs best at limiting the size of overruns.
The UK has the second lowest length of time overruns for rail projects when they occur (after France) and is in the middle of the pack for how often rail projects are delayed. It is interesting that the UK does not perform poorly on time or cost overruns for rail projects, yet has the highest unit cost of our country group. This suggests that some project fundamentals are causing higher costs rather than delays or running over budget.
The story for UK road projects in terms of delays is similar to that for cost overruns. Delays in the UK are more common than elsewhere, with 58% of projects finishing late. However, they are on average 29% later than estimated, in line with the overall average in our dataset.
Finally, on social projects the UK ranks third in terms of how often delays arise – but when there are delays, they are on average the longest. When social infrastructure projects in the UK are delayed it is on average by 48% of original time estimated to completion, ten percent above the next highest, Australia.
All this paints a concerning picture for the UK in which we struggle to do the basics – such as delivering at-grade road projects at a competitive cost – and struggle to deliver large complex projects such as urban heavy rail. While we are not the worst on either time or cost, when the two are combined, we perform uniquely poorly on both.
This benchmarking can only take us so far. We still need a more granular understanding of why the UK incurs higher unit costs than European peers, yet still delivers on similar timelines.
This is often put down to fundamental economic differences such as labour cost, labour productivity, land cost and population density. It’s true that these can play a role but, as Exhibit 9 shows, the UK is not subject to substantially higher construction labour costs than European peers – it is in the middle of the pack and actually below France and Germany. While all countries have seen construction productivity struggle over the past two decades, the UK actually does reasonably well when looking at the post-financial crisis trend. Our dataset highlights the fact that more infrastructure projects in the UK end up being classified as urban or suburban due to the regularity with which they come into contact with denser populations. But as we noted above in Exhibit 5, the UK actually does quite well on its relative unit costs for urban projects, while France has significantly lower unit costs across infrastructure in all locations. Both suggest that the performance gap isn’t down to density. This also suggests that land prices are not a fundamental driver, given that urban land in the UK is likely to be the most expensive.
The UK’s slow and costly planning system is well documented and is rightly identified as part of the problem. But the UK is also not alone in facing this challenge. Exhibit 10 shows the amount of time spent on pre-construction (of which planning is a major part) and construction phases for infrastructure projects. It highlights the fact that across all project types the UK is the slowest at pre-construction. For rail projects it takes 50% more time than the average, for road and social 25% more.
While lengthy timelines can be an indicator of delays and inefficient planning processes, it is not as simple as just shortening the time taken; rather it is a matter of how effectively the time is used. French roads are a good example of a longer but more effective use of time. Their pre-construction phase is 40% longer than average but their unit costs are the lowest across all peer groups and nearly half that of the UK (£4.24 million per lane/km compared to £7.77 million per lane/km). France focuses on early feasibility stages for major infrastructure projects prior to any formal consenting process. This involves an extensive consultation on the fundamental objectives of the project rather than purely specific designs.
While economic fundamentals are part of the problem, these alone cannot fully explain why we see a combination of high unit costs and slow delivery times in the UK compared to peers. There are a wider range of issues in project delivery that drive up unit costs and cause time and cost overruns.
To fully understand these, we analysed four case studies across four types of infrastructure (road, rail, nuclear and social), using a common project lifecycle framework. The framework highlights each key stage of the process from the inception of a project to its operation. We then identified a series of common issues at each stage of the project lifecycle which increase cost and delay delivery, as well as introducing uncertainty more broadly. To develop the case studies, we interviewed experts and conducted desktop research using publicly available sources. All information used is in the public domain.
As highlighted by the fact that more time is often spent on pre-construction phases than construction itself, the importance of the four phases before construction and delivery are commonly underestimated. The approach taken in these phases is equally important, if not more so, than the delivery and construction phase. By the time the construction phase is reached, a large portion of the cost of the project is usually already fixed – so any changes after this point therefore become incredibly costly and time consuming.
Exhibits 11.1-11.4 below show our four case studies: Crossrail, the A27 bypass at Arundel, Hinkley Point C and the Royal Liverpool Hospital. All of these are important and worthwhile projects. We have chosen them precisely because they are projects which, in our view, were important to pursue and which deliver net positive impacts. However, all displayed well-documented challenges and issues, as well as many positives. The case studies are designed to draw out key learnings and lessons from different stages of these projects.
There are several common themes that begin to emerge across these case studies. Combined with our learnings from the benchmarking above, Exhibit 12 brings these together to give a summary of why we believe UK infrastructure projects see higher unit costs and long delivery timelines. These are common across most, if not all, types of infrastructure.
Having identified some of the common causes of high unit costs, long delivery timelines and projects coming in late and/or over budget, we have brought together a series of best practices in the UK and globally to examine how these challenges can be overcome or avoided altogether.
Poorly defined outcome/objectives: Too often there is a failure to work out exactly what the objective is before starting the design process. Frequently, large projects are burdened by so many conflicting aims that they are pre-destined to fail on some of them. This can have significant knock-on effects.
Copenhagen’s new metro, CityRingen, is a key part of the city’s plan to be the first carbon-neutral capital by 2025.13 The objective was clear: increase capacity on the metro and reduce the city’s use of high-emission transport modes such as cars – all with a view to cutting long-term energy use. With a capacity of 72 million extra passengers a year and just 90 seconds between trains, CityRingen means three-quarters of all journeys in Copenhagen will be taken by foot, cycle, or public transport by 2025.14 Nearly 90% of Copenhagen’s residents are now within 600 metres of a train or metro station.15
The project’s well-defined environmental objectives drove choices throughout the process. For example, before and after every station there are strategic inclines and declines in the track to produce natural acceleration or deceleration and lower each train’s energy consumption. Whilst this was slightly more expensive to construct, it has reduced operational expenditure and energy use in the long term. The network also integrated bicycle and public transport more closely to allow seamless low-carbon transport before and after journeys, while large ground-level skylights flood each metro station with light, reducing the need for artificial lighting. There is no mechanical ventilation in the stations, which significantly reduced the additional equipment needed and associated costs and allowed engineers to keep stations more compact.
CityRingen was completed in eight years, opening just under a year late and €370 million over budget. In total it cost €3.3 billion for 17 new stations and 1.5km of track.16 With a unit cost of £82 million per track km, this puts CityRingen in the 73rd percentile of rail projects. Given the number of stations (which tend to add substantial cost to a project) and its core sustainability aims, the fact that it did not come at the very top of the unit cost bracket for similar projects is impressive.
13. Urban Development, The CPH 2025 Climate Plan
14. We Build Group, Copenhagen: The queen of Denmark inaugurates metro line built by Salini Impregilo
15. LSE Cities, Copenhagen: Green Economy Leader Report
16. Eno Centre for Transportation, Eno Selects Final Case Studies for Ongoing Research into Transit Cost Delivery
Incorrect valuation approach: Too often the valuation approach taken focuses on the benefits which are easiest to estimate, even when they may not actually be the primary objectives. This has three impacts which can drive up time and costs:
The A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon carries 85,000 vehicles a day, of which over a quarter are HGVs.18 It would be easy to value improvements to this road system based solely on increased capacity or time saved. Instead, Highways England understood that work on this strategic link would bring broader benefits if they were incorporated into their plans. This wider perspective on benefits fed through to design choices in a positive way and has helped improve the surrounding area as well as provide a solid platform for long-term support. For example, the project employed over 14,000 people for 14 million construction hours, providing a significant boost to the regional economy.19 The project prioritised local sourcing, spending £120 million on local goods and services from 50 businesses.20 Aggregate Industries invested £3.5 million in an asphalt plant exclusively to supply the project.21
As part of the valuation approach, the team also assessed potential future population shifts. The road upgrade is forecast to support a 26% increase in traffic growth by 2026 and employment growth of 16% across Cambridgeshire by 2031.22 This was all in addition to cutting peak journey times by 20 minutes, reducing traffic incidents by 3,000 over the next 60 years and saving £70 million per year by transporting goods more efficiently across the country.23 The project is expected to create £2.5 billion of wider benefits to the UK economy – demonstrating the success of a broad approach to valuing the wider impact of the project.24
18. Highways Agency, Cambridge to Huntingdon A14 Improvement Scheme: Technical Review of Options
19. Highways England, Delivering the benefits: A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon improvement scheme
20. Highways England, Delivering the benefits: A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon improvement scheme
21. Cambridge Network, Aggregate industries invests £3.5m in new asphalt plant for A14 road improvement project
22. Highways England, Delivering the benefits: A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon improvement scheme
23. Highways England, Delivering the benefits: A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon improvement scheme
24. Highways England, Delivering the benefits: A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon improvement scheme
Lack of alignment of specifications with objectives: Poorly defined needs and outcomes often lead to a lack of alignment between the specifications used and the project objectives. The minimum viable product is often not set out clearly. This means decisions around specifications don’t centre around what is actually needed (as opposed to ‘nice to haves’), leading to misaligned and often unnecessary additions. The decision to design large bespoke stations for Crossrail is an example. These large and, at times, elaborate designs were costly compared to the Docklands Light Rail (DLR) stations, which are far more functional. The bespoke nature also significantly reduced repeatability and scaling. Some stations established large-scale offsite construction of platforms to avoid disruption on site, but this was not joined up across the piece, meaning each station approached this type of construction individually.
Sydney’s Metro is the largest public transport project in Australia and the first fully-automated driverless metro in the country. The Australian government’s original design was for eight-car trains at five-minute intervals. However, the consortium that won the contract proposed six-car trains at four-minute intervals instead and included future-proofing for eight-car trains, should they be needed.25
Ahead of construction, the decision was made to change from crawler cranes – the traditional approach – to tower cranes to build the stations. Crawler cranes would have required station walls to be thicker, reducing available station size and increasing costs. Instead, tower cranes meant 80% of the main structural elements could be prefabricated, resulting in a 40% reduction in steel weight used.26 By assessing what was really needed from the stations, planners could adapt construction approaches to optimise designs – rather than allowing construction practices to dictate a suboptimal asset design. This approach allowed the stations to be built more quickly, safely and cheaply. Alignment of specifications and design choices with overall objectives meant that a better service was delivered for a lower upfront cost.
25. Sydney Metro, Final business case summary
26. Engineering News-Record, Best Project, Rail: Sydney Metro Northwest
Over-speccing and gold plating: A common theme across UK infrastructure is that specifications and standards go beyond what is necessary. This again largely comes back to risk aversion. It can be due to an abundance of caution, often linked to the fragility of public support and the planning approvals process. While it is also usually easier to design assets to go ‘above and beyond’ to pre-empt or respond to planning concerns than to set out a more economical design and defend it. Any risk is seen as something to be eliminated to avoid any potential blowback. Of course, risk is unlikely to ever be fully eliminated and this approach can add significant time and cost delays. Comparing HS1 and HS2 is useful here: given the link to the Channel Tunnel, HS1 adopted the existing French specifications and standards when it came to high-speed rail. This off-the-shelf approach was tried and tested, with materials and construction methods fully understood, as well as plenty of suppliers already in place. Contrasting with this is HS2, which sought to design its own specifications and standards. PWC’s 2016 review of HS2 against international benchmarks found that design standards and specifications could be reduced to be less severe without major risk.
As our benchmarking showed, France has by far the lowest unit cost for all types of rail infrastructure. In 1992, the French government approved a strategic high-speed rail plan, setting out the country’s vision for expanding its network. This long-term outlook has meant organisations across the value chain, from the French government to train operators, have collaborated to develop long-term capabilities. Supply chains have felt comfortable investing, in the knowledge that there will be long-term demand. Using established specifications and technical standards means there is limited scope for non-standardised changes in the design of French high-speed rail projects.
The continued use of existing standards in France has also facilitated greater integration between new and old train networks and allowed the network to be built in successive phases using existing tracks in many places. For example, when Tours to Bordeaux TGV (a 302km high-speed rail project) opened in 2017, the French rail sector could rely on more than 20 years of experience building high-speed networks. Instead of having to develop brand new standards like HS2 did, French contractors could ‘copy and paste’ the country’s well-established high-speed rail specifications. The result was that the Tours to Bordeaux line was completed in just five years with a unit cost of £15.6 million per track kilometre, making it cheaper than 60% of projects in the same reference class.
Planning/consultation: While hugely important in terms of assessing a project’s impact as well as gathering stakeholder viewpoints, the planning and consultation process is often cumbersome. Required feasibility assessments are arduous and unnecessarily complicated and consultations provide multiple opportunities to object, delay and force changes (even late in the process). This means project scopes are expanded in an effort to reduce resistance and risk, resulting in unwieldy designs. This is well documented in the UK: for example, see the Lower Thames Crossing, where costs have already reached £800 million but construction is yet to begin.
Facing increasing time and cost overruns for infrastructure projects, the Dutch government decided to review planning and permitting processes in the early 2000s. A 2008 spatial planning act devolved responsibilities across all three layers of government, giving provincial and municipal governments greater powers outside of 13 priorities set at a national level.30 The central government retained the ability to assume responsibility when issues transcend provincial or national boundaries (for example on key road, rail or water networks).
Today, reduced layers of bureaucracy in individual planning decisions have facilitated greater innovation in development projects, as in the case of Buiksloterham in Amsterdam. Formerly a decaying industrial site home to an oil laboratory and an aeroplane factory, the municipal government sparked its rejuvenation by changing the area’s zoning to allow for a mix of uses, granting permits to developers to fill the space with residences and offices in a bottom-up manner.31 Municipal control over this area facilitated a more experimental approach, rather than the safer option of turning the land over to a large developer. Now not only is Buiksloterham thriving in terms of construction and activity, but it has also become the centre of a ‘living lab’ circular economy, filled with sustainable offices, cafes and workspaces.32 The Dutch approach struck a balance between national priorities and local consent plus needs. At the local level there is more responsiveness and agility to innovate when needed. This takes place within a clear set of national priorities and the central government retains the ability to direct in the national interest where needed.
30. Dutch Government, Spatial planning in the Netherlands
31. Metropolis, This Tiny Amsterdam Neighborhood Is a Prototype for Grassroots Urban Planning
32. Metabolic, Circular Buiksloterham
Contracts include the wrong incentives: Contracts in UK infrastructure projects often include the wrong approach to risk management and delivery incentives. There is too much emphasis on using contracts to pass risks along the supply chain, instead of taking shared ownership across the whole ecosystem. Given that contracts can never fully account for all risks and the fact that the ultimate client (usually the government) will always retain a share of the risk, these attempts to pass it on often fail. The Royal Liverpool Hospital is a good example: while contracts attempted to pass on every risk that could be imagined, there was no plan for the collapse of Carillion, the key contractor. The cost and risk then rebounded on the government. Furthermore, when designing and implementing contracts the assumption is that projects will fail. This has resulted in an obsession with anticipating and shifting blame before activities have even begun. Instead, the client and contractors should work together to deliver against a clearly defined outcome, sharing the risks along the way.
There are examples of the UK doing this right. Grange University Hospital, Wales’ biggest health infrastructure project, was less than a third complete when the Covid pandemic hit. With concerns around hospital capacity growing, the project team were asked if they could accelerate delivery of the facility. Using a contract alliance, the team rapidly reprioritised site activities and designed a new commissioning strategy that zoned areas and reallocated resources rapidly. Within four weeks they opened half of the floor area and 75% of the bed capacity, with some areas of the hospital opening a year earlier than planned.33 Not only did the entire hospital open early but it also came in under budget – a first for a project of its scale in the UK.
The use of New Engineering Contracts (NEC), whereby the client and contractor share the benefits of delivering ahead of schedule/cost, was at least partly behind this success. Under the NEC, a Project Execution Plan (PEP) was developed by key stakeholders at the start of the project which outlined delivery structures and roles/responsibilities across the entire project lifecycle. The contracting rules stated the PEP was to be reviewed and updated monthly with the activity schedule adjusted to suit. This meant decision-making could be fast-tracked and supply chains were adapted in response to the accelerated delivery plans. As the project and health board team worked together on site, they were able to condense commissioning periods from 12 to four weeks. The NEC contract used for Grange Hospital included mechanisms for sharing risk and rewards, often referred to as ‘pain/gain’ clauses. There was a focus on making the project succeed, rather than on sharing out risks and accountability on paper, and by doing so, innovation was heavily promoted. Nearly three-quarters of the site was constructed offsite, resulting in a 60% improvement in productivity and a reduction in time by nearly a third.34
33. Wales Online, Wales' new £360m Grange University Hospital to open four months ahead of schedule in November
34. Building, How the Grange University Hospital opened four months early; Construction News, Lang O’Rourke delivers factory-made hospital in Wales
Regular redesign: Continual rescoping and redesign of projects, sometimes after construction has begun, leads to cost increases and delays. This is exacerbated by frequent amendments following consultations and initial designs created with incomplete information and thus lacking detail. All this is largely driven by risk aversion, once again.
The Queensferry Crossing in Scotland is the longest three-tower cable-stayed bridge in the world. The bridge’s complex and record-breaking design was only possible through investment in the up-front design process: advanced computer models and additional 3D models were created to analyse its overall design.35 Traffic loads, weight changes and all manner of weather scenarios were simulated to understand the impact. Having surveyed the estuary floor, engineers identified a rock formation that stuck out from the waterline to use as the foundation for the bridge’s centre tower; identifying this early meant a more efficient, slender and cheaper design could be used. Further simulations allowed engineers to design weather breaks across the bridge and these mean that unlike other crossings Queensferry doesn’t need to close in high winds. Through such detailed processes, designers realised that with minor changes to the original designs, the ferry toll viaduct on the crossing’s northern approach could be re-engineered to create significant cost and resource benefits. These early changes significantly simplified construction, reduced traffic disruption and saved 7,000 tonnes of embodied carbon.36 Although the project concluded nine months behind schedule due to high winds, it was delivered 25% under budget.37
35. Ramboll, Queensferry Crossing: huge carbon saving
36. CECR, The Queensferry Crossing
37. CECR, The Queensferry Crossing
Lack of understanding of engineering risks: Often a desire to begin procurement or construction as quickly as possible means there is a lack of upfront investment to scope out engineering factors. Risks are not properly understood as part of the design package, resulting in exposure to tail-end hazards. Taking the time to properly understand and integrate engineering risks into the design pays dividends later on.
The Waterview Connection is New Zealand’s longest road tunnel and is considered the country’s most challenging infrastructure project due to significant geotechnical constraints. To deliver this project, a joint venture that integrated specialist tunnelling skills with technical experience and local knowledge was established. Half of the road would be 45 metres underground and required drilling through a 15 metre-thick shelf of rock-hard basalt. The joint venture conducted detailed geological investigations to understand engineering risks, mapping out the layers of rock and basal lava flow to ensure the exact depth and positioning of the road avoided weaker layers. Using 3D models significantly de-risked the construction phase and ensured the project was designed appropriately from the outset. As a result of data points gathered, planners could choose the best tunnel boring machine for the challenging seismic conditions, further managing project risks and reducing overall costs. It was completed on time and within budget despite the complexity of the project.
Lack of large construction firms and disjointed supply chains: The fragmented nature of the UK construction sector often means multiple small construction firms are required. This not only increases costs and complexity on individual projects, but also means none of the firms have the incentive or even ability to invest in capital/technology improvements that would benefit the industry at large. For example, the construction of Hinkley Point C involves 3,500 British firms alone – managing such a complex supply chain requires significant time and investment.
South Korea’s approach to building nuclear is a great example of how to develop cohesive supply chains. South Korea has the lowest average construction cost for nuclear plants globally, whilst the UK is nearly four times as expensive with the second highest unit costs.39 The biggest differentiator between both approaches is not material or labour costs, but rather South Korea’s utilisation of economies of scale. South Korea builds ‘fleets’ of reactors rather than individual ones as in the UK, working on between eight and 12 reactors in a row.40 This enables a solid supply chain and invaluable skills and expertise to be developed. Private construction firms are able to invest in capital and skills, knowing there will be long-term work available. It also allows firms to spread the cost of investments and incentivises contractors to train specialists instead of importing knowledge. The result is that construction is cheaper and more efficient, while South Korea nurtures domestic knowledge and capability at scale.
39. Notes on Growth, Infrastructure Costs: Nuclear Edition
40. Notes on Growth, Infrastructure Costs: Nuclear Edition
Low tech on sites: Relative to peer countries (e.g. France), the UK can sometimes use inferior processes for on-site work such as scheduling, multi-function teams, sequencing work and capital deployment. Specifically, there is a long tail of less productive firms in the UK. This is out of line with the strength of digital capabilities the UK can offer and leads to missed opportunities to improve innovation and productivity through technology investment and capitalising on economies of scale. Due to sub-optimal contracting and fragmented supply chains, delivery partners are not incentivised to invest in new practices or technologies, as they will bear the burden of increased capital expenditure with little or no returns for improving productivity or delivery across the project. Although there are examples of world-class approaches in the UK, these are not wholly consistent across the sector. Part of the problem is that where there are improvements or innovations in individual firms or on specific sites, there is unfortunately limited sharing of this across the supply chain/industry.
The Pacific highway upgrade from Woolgoolga to Ballina in Australia was delivered using a digitised construction management approach. This allowed risks to be identified and work schedules to be adapted in real-time. A digitised approach was used to automate previously repetitive low-value tasks, freeing up firms’ resources that could be dedicated to construction activities. Drones were used to improve update imaging for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping.41 An all-encompassing digital portal was created that held data points across the project lifecycle and gave everyone instant access to the latest information on design and construction, plus environmental and community site issues.42 This high-tech data driven approach proved significantly more efficient and cheaper than typical manual processes and ultimately meant Australia’s largest concrete infrastructure project could be delivered on time. A significant portion of the road was built on soft ground, while more than 1,500 instruments were installed to record 10 million measurements relating to slope stability and settlement.43 Data was fed into the real-time data platform, which also incorporated a trigger-level response process alerting key personnel in the event of an unexpected instrument reading. As a result, zero geotechnical failures were registered.44 A mobile app was also deployed to track and record sightings of threatened species along the Pacific Highway.45 The project was delivered at a unit cost of £3.6 million/km – well below the Australian average for at-grade roads of £13.13 million/km.
41. NSW Government, Woolgoolga to Ballina Pacific Highway upgrade: technical paper
42. NSW Government, Woolgoolga to Ballina Pacific Highway upgrade: technical paper
43. Australian Geomechanics Society, An innovative geotechnical monitoring system for soft ground treatment on the W2B Pacific Highway upgrade project
44. Australian Geomechanics Society, An innovative geotechnical monitoring system for soft ground treatment on the W2B Pacific Highway upgrade project
45. Pacific Highway Upgrade, Threatened species
Lack of alignment/connection between construction and operation: Many countries set up a project lifecycle such that the role for those involved in construction extends into operation. While not always necessary, the existence of at least some type of link bridging different phases can help ensure designs are correct, that there is a consistent understanding of what is needed going forward and also creates incentives to keep costs on budget and delivery on time. In the UK we often see a failure to define responsibilities regarding management of assets post-construction. This creates uncertainty towards the end of the project lifecycle and can remove some of the responsibilities of stakeholders in the pre-operation phases, once they know they won’t be involved with the running of the end product. The UK government has tried to address this with the creation of the ‘Soft Landings’ programme, but it is yet to fully translate into large infrastructure projects (though we are in relatively early days).
The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement project was a first-of-its-kind multi-asset project in the US. The private-public project, commenced in May 2014, was delivered by a consortium using a design-build-finance-operate-maintain contract. Not only did the contract winner need to manage the financing, design and construction of all 558 bridges in the project, but it was also contracted to maintain each bridge for 25 years.47 This included 50ft upstream and downstream of each bridge and annual cleaning. Each bridge is due to be inspected a year before the contracted maintenance phase ends and 98% of all bridges must meet the set condition standard and 100% of the superstructure standard.48 The Pennsylvania Department of Transport estimated a project of this scale would normally take eight to twelve years to complete using traditional contracting approaches. This project was completed in just four years and will ensure adequate maintenance of all assets for over two decades.49
47. U.S. Department of Transportation, Project Profile: Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project
48. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, PennDOT P3 Rapid Bridge Replacement Project
49. Pennsylvania Department of Transport, Rapid Bridge Replacement Project Lessons Learned Report
A cross-cutting issue which also often causes time and cost increases for UK projects is the lack of a considered approach and perspective across the portfolio of infrastructure projects. This contributes to a lack of information sharing across projects, preventing lessons learnt from being taken forward and improvements to cascade from one project to the next. Projects are approached in isolation leading to an inability to draw out and apply learnings and skills from one to the next. Often infrastructure projects will cut across each other without a clear understanding of what each project is doing or trying to achieve, or any picture of how they fit together into a broader whole. This can often cause delays and increase uncertainty and can also mean skills and resources are not deployed effectively across and between projects. A strategic view needs to identify objectives, avenues for delivery and opportunities for impact; and everyone needs to be clear on it.
There have been attempts to achieve this in the UK. For example, the National Infrastructure Plan of 2010 was well received.
In 2016, the Canadian government published their 12-year infrastructure plan ‘Investing in Canada’.51 The plan identified five long-term infrastructure priorities and $187 billion in investments across these areas.52 Integrated Bilateral Agreements (IBAs) between federal and provincial governments were established. These agreements between the two layers of government have been used to establish the terms and conditions of infrastructure funding, setting out clear expectations and rewards over the next 12 years. Under IBAs, provinces and localities have to submit portfolio-level multi-year plans and the projects are not designed and delivered in isolation, but rather considered in the wider context. Local areas have the opportunity to set out what their long-term priorities are and the national government can allocate funding based on need and impact. Provinces can structure their plans to unlock funding over phases, ensuring they have certainty in the long run. Infrastructure Canada – the country’s federal infrastructure department – is responsible for overseeing the plan and collecting data.53 They coordinate across 20 other federal agencies and departments that are responsible for individual infrastructure programmes. By structuring this way, clear lines of accountability and a body who ultimately ensure that infrastructure investments reflect top priorities. Setting out a long-term plan that outlines overall economic, social and environmental priorities has provided security to projects that extend beyond Canada’s political cycles. In the first three years, nearly 50,000 infrastructure projects worth $43 billion were approved, providing 100,000 jobs a year and 100,000 additional public transit seat.54
51. Government of Canada, Investing in Canada Plan - Building a Better Canada
52. Government of Canada, Investing in Canada Plan
53. Infrastructure Canada, Funding delivered under the Investing in Canada Plan
54. Infrastructure Canada, Building a better Canada: a progress report on the Investing in Canada plan 2016-19
Looking at the wider problem set, and examples of how these issues have been avoided elsewhere, highlights a common theme. The industry – across both public and private sector – has become dominated by risk aversion. Almost every actor, at every stage, focuses on perceived predictability over efficiency. This has failed to reduce risk but has driven up cost and delays. It has created perverse incentives since no one has the desire or ability to push down costs and time across the project delivery lifecycle. Taking longer and spending more may also, ironically, increase risk. Taken as a whole, these issues can be summarised around six cross-cutting issues:
Many of these issues occur at the pre-construction stages, setting up infrastructure projects for failure before the first hole has even been dug or stone has been laid.
These problems are not insurmountable; there are plenty of examples in which the UK or other countries have overcome them. No single country manages to avoid them all, but learning from these experiences can allow us to determine a series of steps which will help improve things in the UK.
No single actor will be able to fix the challenges we face. Given the scale of the issue, this must be a combined effort across the public and private sectors and across different forms of infrastructure. To that end, we have identified nine recommendations, split into three categories, which require urgent action.
Many of these recommendations are interrelated and work together. No single recommendation alone would solve the challenges the UK faces in infrastructure delivery, but together we believe they could revolutionise our approach.
Adopt a more strategic approach to infrastructure focused on economic needs. Strengthen government leadership to maintain a clearer project pipeline to de-risk industry investment and innovation, as well as allowing economies of scale to develop to bring down costs.
1. Creating an empowered Centre of Infrastructure Excellence: Establish a centralised hub of expertise to ensure best practices, knowledge sharing and continuous innovation in infrastructure delivery. This central hub should focus on enabling government to be an effective client and provide an incentive for the supply chain to invest and innovate, partly by giving a clear strategic approach to the entire portfolio of UK infrastructure projects and defining a clear pipeline (set out in detail below). Within project delivery, this centre must use appropriate mechanisms to challenge project assumptions and decisions. It should use past sector learnings to inform decision-making for future projects. This new Centre should work across the supply chain to help drive down costs. It will require new capability, deep industry knowledge and much better collection and use of granular cost and productivity data. The Infrastructure Projects Authority (IPA), as well as others, are valiantly trying to play this role at present, but there is a growing sense that this hasn’t quite succeeded in cascading the necessary change or learnings across large infrastructure projects. This is partly down to the fact that, to date, no organisation has been fully empowered vis-à-vis government departments nor given the decisive remit to properly fulfil this role. The revamped 2021 IPA mandate was a good step forward but did not go far enough in our view. This central function must have some executive power to direct departmental decisions where relevant and to challenge assumptions. Ideally, it would report directly to the Prime Minister and avoid dual reporting lines. There should also be an evaluation of how spending reviews and the UK Green Book impact infrastructure decision-making. Fundamentally, decisions on whether to invest in infrastructure should be taken with a view to the multi-year economic and infrastructure strategy, not just narrow spending review choices or Green Book criteria. The strategy should override these constraints where necessary.
2. Securing certainty in the supply chain: Create a multi-year infrastructure strategy. Set out clear infrastructure priorities and commit to them in the long run. This should go beyond a simple list of projects: ideally, a detailed pipeline which includes timings and spending over a prolonged period, updated regularly (at least once a year). A steady flow of projects in the pipeline will ensure predictability, increasing willingness to invest and drive cost and time savings. The value chain must be confident that priorities will survive beyond parliamentary cycles to ensure a return on investment. Supply chain liquidity should also be prioritised, or projects may collapse. Consideration must be given to how the pipeline of infrastructure projects will impact the supply chain and if any support is needed from the government. Many countries are adopting local content requirements, particularly for green infrastructure. Consideration should be given to this approach as a further incentive to help develop local supply chains.
3. Taking a consistent portfolio-level approach to infrastructure: A clear, overarching portfolio view allows government to prioritise constrained resources optimally and bring together learnings from across infrastructure. The ability to draw on a wider knowledge and experience base will introduce new technologies and improve resource allocation. This portfolio view should be created and overseen by the new Centre for Infrastructure Excellence.
4. Reforming the planning process: There are significant changes needed here to reduce timelines and streamline processes. These should include:
For example, between 2018 and 2021, five offshore wind farms were developing mitigations for similar environmental impacts. These were subject to cumulative delays of two and a half years. Duplicated effort and time delays could be avoided by data sharing and a platform with clear standards and data for developers, something which the NIC has also called for.
The public sector must give clearer and more constrained direction to contractors. Provide greater clarity in the early stages of a project. Make choices early and stick to them to provide for smoother project delivery. Be disciplined and, where needed, be ruthless with enforcement.
5. Setting clear objectives and ensuring they don’t conflict: Define explicit objectives at the project’s outset, ensuring clarity of purpose and direction for all stakeholders. Be clear about what a project is trying to achieve and ruthlessly assess whether specifications and designs unnecessarily exceed need. Keep objectives simple; make sure they do not conflict with one another. Find consensus on the objective early on and then deliver in a straight line, in one go. Before any project proceeds, check to make sure the above criteria are met. This limits the potential for the scope to creep and be stretched during the planning and design processes.
6. Targeting the minimum viable product and reducing risk averse gold plating: Do not do more than necessary. Set standards and specifications which will ensure the minimum viable product is delivered. Standards should be designed to ensure product simplicity and should avoid over-speccing in pursuit of social, environmental or safety standards that exceed what is necessary. This means retaining a ruthless focus on achieving the core specified objectives in the most efficient way and resisting the oft-seen scope creep in multi-stakeholder megaprojects. Where specifications and approaches have been used effectively or have been given regulatory approval elsewhere, they should be eligible for fast-track or automatic approvals. Clear justification should be given when standards need to be updated or expanded in any way. Ideally, over time, we should develop standardised national approaches for key specifications for each form of infrastructure with a high bar to deviate from these.
7. Linking construction, delivery and operation so all responsible parties are joined up: Foster strong collaboration and integration between construction, delivery and operational phases to ensure seamless transitions and holistic project oversight. Consider greater use of operation concessions to help spread incentive (and return) over longer timelines. The way in which the new asset will be brought into service and operated over the long term must be established clearly at the start of the project. This should not change during the project delivery. Those that will operate and maintain the asset should be integrated with design and engineering choices. Where possible contracts should be structured to provide a long-term stake in the project to help improve short-term incentives on construction. Part of this also means accepting a whole life view for investment in the project, not cutting back cost in construction if it creates additional whole-life maintenance cost.
Government and industry must contract in a way that more effectively shares risk across the entire project ecosystem rather than using a process which creates the illusion of risk reduction. Value efficiency over predictability.
8. Rethinking risk management in a quantitative way to better address the larger tail risks and avoid spurious certainty: The current approach of trying to qualitatively assess the potential sources of risks has not worked. It tends to become too elaborate and often doesn’t receive the oversight it needs. Instead, a quantitative approach should be taken that allows risks to be more comprehensively managed and mitigated. It should also take proper account of the lower probability but huge impact of tail risks that can derail a project if not addressed. An acceptance that, while it might have greater unpredictability, it is preferable to consider a wide range of potential outcomes instead of more narrowly focused estimates which prove to be incorrect. This quantitative approach should also be included in the schedule, in the form of acknowledging variability and shifting a focus to workflow rather than simplistic point productivity for resource allocation.
9. Standardising contracts with a focus on more effective management of risk across entire projects rather than just passing risks along supply chain: Contracts should not be obsessed with passing risk to various parties and then assuming it has all been taken care of. For projects with fat-tailed risk distributions, contractors are unable to fully price in risks and thus gamble that they can deliver at or near target. While allocation of risk to the contractor gives the illusion it has been managed, the tail end is in fact left exposed. If the project fails, the poor outcome falls at the feet of the client (usually the government). It is their responsibility to provide continuity of service to citizens even if the delivery partner is late or over budget and if a supplier fails they will be left to pick up the pieces. Current approaches like ‘Design and Build’ contracts provide a single point of responsibility and full risk allocation to the contractor as well as apparent cost certainty for the project owner. This approach prioritises predictability over effective risk management. We have seen good progress with UK standard contracts (e.g. NEC) and we should continue to minimise bespoke contracting to better clarify risk ownership and decrease procurement timelines. We can also proactively reduce risk and increase efficiencies early in the project lifecycle with standardised designs, ensuring teams know how to deliver. Where risk cannot be mitigated, the project owner should not try to create certainty artificially with rigid contracting, e.g. Public Private Partnership contracting. Instead, we should consider ownership models which account for project context and risk profile. While unit costs may be higher in the short term, this alliance approach will result in shorter timelines with fewer disputes, which can ultimately be very costly. Shifting to an enterprise model brings together all parties through more integrated and collaborative arrangements, underpinned by long-term incentives. It is also important to consider how the contracting approach fits with the delivery model. While we should reduce bespoke contracting, the framework should still allow for flexible delivery models depending on the context of the project. Greater active ownership can drive increased adherence to cost and time schedules due to greater ownership of risk and reward. This blended, holistic model creates a more flexible structure which enables a better response to risks and an agile, collaborative approach to deliver better outcomes. Finally, focus should shift to targeting the source of uncertainty rather than rigid adherence to process or box-ticking exercises. At each stage, the hurdle shouldn’t be completion of every piece of work, but instead, progress depends on whether there is a clear approach for the major deliverables and risks to be managed going forward.
This report would not have been possible without the contributions of the following BCG colleagues: Emily Arbuthnott, Luke Cavanaugh and Katie Rhodes. The authors would like to thank them for their support and are incredibly grateful for their invaluable work, particularly in analysing the data on which this report is centred.
BCG's Centre for Growth brings together ideas, people and action to drive the UK forward. We work with our global expert network to identify transformational opportunities, connect key decision-makers and build coalitions for change. We offer long term strategic insight, extensive cross-sector expertise, platforms for dialogue and bias to action.
This report covers unit cost, time and cost overrun benchmarks for 10 key project types, across rail, road and social portfolio. It considers all rail and road projects, plus hospitals, schools and prisons (we excluded other social projects such as stadiums or civic centres from our analysis). The project types were selected to provide a global perspective on infrastructure cost and time outcomes. We have a particular focus on key comparator European countries with similar variables to the UK including population density, regulatory obligation and size of economy. The Prism database used in the report has 2,300 projects from 16 countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, the UK and the USA.
Our team started with Prism, an internal BCG database that builds on the Global Intelligence Centre (CIC) database and sought to expand the number of projects in the database as well as the depth of data using publicly available sources such as government documents, industry reports, media releases and press searches.
We used Alteryx to consolidate and cleanse the data. Project costs are inflation-adjusted using the local GDP deflator, based on the date of construction completion and the specific project country. Project cost overruns and actual costs were analysed in local currencies. These were then converted to GBP using the exchange rate at each project's completion.
To develop the case studies and best practices of individual projects, we interviewed experts and conducted desktop research using publicly available sources. Project types include rail, road, social and nuclear. All information used is in the public domain.
For the below calculations our key assumptions include:
– Number of lanes counted each way (e.g., dual carriageway is four lanes)
– At-grade roads with small bridges / tunnels to be at-grade
– Rail length is total track length (e.g., 2 tracks of 50km is 100km)
– At-grade rail small bridges / tunnels determined to be at-grade
–Square metre size assumed to be usable not total
Density categories
– Projects split into 3 density categories based on persons per square kilometre
– Urban: >5000; Suburban: 100-5000; Rural <100
Unit cost across all countries and project types
Definition of unit cost:
Managing Director & Senior Partner, Global Leader, Infrastructure, Transport, and Cities in Public Sector
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