M A、トランザクション、PMI を通じた価値創出

M&A、トランザクション、PMI (合併・買収後の統合) の価値を実現するには、適切な戦略的意思決定を行い、長期的視点から事業ポートフォリオを積極的にマネジメントすることが重要です。M&AやPMIの半数以上は、価値の破壊に終わっています。こうした取引は複雑であるだけでなく、多くの企業にとっては頻繁に行われるものではありません。BCGはトランザクションの各段階において、クライアントが案件の価値を最大限実現できるよう、専門的知見と組織能力の提供を通じた支援を行っています。

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More than half of all M&A transactions and post-merger integrations end up destroying value. These deals are complex—and for many companies—infrequent. We support businesses with end-to-end transaction excellence, including strategic decision making in mergers and acquisitions, preparing and executing divestitures and joint ventures, supporting IPOs and spinoffs, and creating winning strategies for post-merger integration.

Our M&A, Transactions, and PMI Services

BCG's corporate carve-out consultants work alongside companies to boost the new entity's value to shareholders.
Strategic due diligence helps private equity firms and corporate acquirers boost transaction success.
Our joint venture consulting services include a suite of advisory services, perspectives, and expertise to navigate through the joint venture landscape.
PMI (合併・買収後の統合)を成功させるために必要なことは、段階的なアプローチです。BCGのPMI戦略およびコンサルティングサービスについてはこちらをご覧ください。

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私たちは過去10年間にわたり、市場価値5兆ドル超に相当する7,000件以上の取引をサポートしてきました。BCGでは、この分野のエキスパートが世界各地で300件を超えるM&A、トランザクション、合併後の統合を担当し、企業および プライベート・エクイティファームのクライアントが効率的にディールを遂行し、さらには価値を最大化する支援をします。BCGのエキスパートはクライアント社内のエキスパートと緊密に協働し、ジャーニーをうまく舵取りしていけるよう支援します。また、BCGのエキスパートは、投資家や投資銀行、弁護士の考え方を熟知しています。


Our Client Success in M&A, Transactions, and PMI

Custom Share | New Icon
Industrial Goods
Designed a partnership model for a steel maker and a mining company seeking to unlock significant value by joining forces. Provided a sanitized financial model that helped the two companies calculate the prospective partnership’s value.
Internet of Things | New Icon
Helped two automotive OEMs set up multiple joint ventures aimed at creating a new global mobility ecosystem and technology platform. Facilitated a $1 billion investment program to support the effort.
Data Table | New Icon
Structured and managed a massive deal in the energy sector, which gave rise to an exceptionally complex PMI. Created full transparency of costs, developed a synergy baseline, and acted as a data broker between the two companies. The discipline paid off: the merger of giants was completed on time and on budget.
Go-to-Market | New Icon
Financial Institutions
Helped in the merger of two large regional banks to create the scale and efficiency to invest in critical capabilities. The design of the new organization was a particularly complex and sensitive challenge. Developed objectives and principles to guide the design and then helped define the new operating model. By deal close, the combined organization had strong leadership and was positioned to achieve synergies and build new capabilities.

Explore Our Insights on M&A, Transactions, and PMI

