

Close-up image of a green leaf with a water droplet on it
Partnership is at the heart of our social impact strategy, and it is key to tackling complex social and environmental challenges. We seek to maximize our own social impact by enriching and expanding our partnerships, fostering system-level coalitions, and establishing social impact as a core competency that is woven into business strategies and thus yield quantifiable returns.


BCG works with businesses, foundations, and governments to help build sustainable food systems and security, even in the face of climate-related threats.
BCGの「Sustainable Economic Development Assessment(SEDA、持続可能な経済開発に関する評価)」と経済発展へのアプローチは、経済成長とウェルビーイングの向上を求める政府の助けとなります。

Our social impact consulting drives major initiatives across a broad spectrum of global challenges to shape a better future. Our work is closely  aligned with addressing and achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs).

Social Impact Overview Infographic

Our Clients' Success in Social Impact

In this time of accelerating systematic change, customers, employees, and investors increasingly demand that organizations act in socially aware and sustainable ways and demonstrate that they are doing so. It is necessary, strategic, and profitable for organizations to have a positive social impact because driving such change is a source of sustainable competitive advantage. For instance, biopharma companies that conduct ethical human clinical trials and expand access to medications have margins that are 6.7 percentage points higher, and valuations that are 12% greater, than the average for the industry. We help organizations to plan, implement, assess, and communicate their social impact initiatives and social impact strategy. Examples of our social impact consulting work include:



Our Latest Thinking on Social Impact

