Diversity and Inclusion at BCG


BCGにおいてダイバーシティは創立当初から中核をなすバリューの1つです。 あらゆる経歴、性別、性的指向、民族で構成される偏見のない情熱に溢れた人材が集まることで、問題をより幅広い視点から分析し、既成の考え方に挑むことが可能となります。

BCGは最高の人材を世界中で求めています。各オフィスやプラクティスグループ間での異動を奨励しており、異なる考え方に触れる機会を数多く提供しています。 その結果、一人ひとりが活躍して成功する機会を得られるような環境が作られています。



BCGの最優先事項の一つに、当社で働く女性の数、成功、そして満足度を増大させるというWomen@BCG アジェンダの推進があります。すべての人材の機会、経験、そしてワーク・ライフ・インテグレーションを高めていく中、これまでの成果には大いに勇気づけられており、未来に心を躍らせています。



Pride@BCGでは、世界中のLGBTコミュニティのメンバーにとって充実した環境を築けるよう、尽力しています。BCGでは、すべてのLGBT社員に、成功して、ポジティブな変化をもたらすリーダーになれるよう、多くの機会を提供します。 自分の性的指向を公表するかどうかにかかわらず、BCGは人としてそしてプロフェッショナルとして成長するために必要なサポートを提供します。


Diversity at BCG

BCG offers a variety of mentoring, affiliation, and development programs designed to expand and enrich the careers of talent from different backgrounds, including Black, Asian American, Latinx employees, and many others.

Our diversity initiatives have earned numerous awards and recognitions, including top 50 and top 100 rankings from Diversity MBA and Black Enterprise magazines, respectively. We support and sponsor US organizations, such as MBA Jumpstart, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers, and National Society of Black Engineers.

We recruit top graduates by coordinating career and interviewing workshops, presentations, lunches, and other events. Through undergraduate diversity programs, we provide opportunities to underrepresented minorities for mentorship, learning and development, and exposure to our work and culture.

BCG’s Ethnic Diversity Network mentored me from the moment I got my first round interview. The Network is comprised of the first people I reach out to when I need help or a laugh. I've grown from being a mentee in the network to helping mentor the next generation of BCGers. The ability to help develop and guide the future leaders of BCG has been one of the most rewarding opportunities I’ve had during my time here.” –Elena Bonifacio, Principal, New York

Bridge to Consulting Workshop and Externship Program

Bridge to Consulting Workshop and Externship Program

For current freshmen and sophomores from groups underrepresented in leadership positions and in consulting, the Bridge to Consulting Workshop and the Externship Program offer the opportunity to experience BCG.

Growing Future Leaders Internship Program

Growing Future Leaders Internship Program

This program aims to identify, support, develop, and retain top Black/African American and Hispanics/Latinos who are current sophomores, grooming them to become leaders in consulting and the global business community.

Africa Talent Program

Africa Talent Program

The Africa Talent program offers exceptional candidates with strong ties to or interests in Africa an opportunity to spend one to two years at one of our offices in the US or Europe before joining one of our Africa offices.

US Veterans Network

BCG deeply values the talent, training, and proven leadership skills that veterans bring to the organization.

The BCG Veterans Network promotes affiliation among BCG candidates, employees, and alumni representing every branch of US service, US Intelligence services, and the military forces of many other nations from around the world working in the US.

Our Mission

  • Raise awareness of consulting as a career path for veterans.
  • Support veterans through their transition into a civilian career.
  • Help veterans understand the value of their experience and how to leverage their unique skills to succeed at BCG.

As a veteran at BCG, you’re supported by a large and growing network of people who understand your experience, and will help you grow into a business-minded leader.




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