パブリックセクター 最近の論考

今日の急激に変化する経済・テクノロジー環境が、高齢化、気候変動、グローバリゼーションなどの長期的トレンドと組み合わさって、教育制度やヘルスケア・システムの進化の方向性から政府機関の資金調達のしかたまであらゆるものに影響をおよぼしています。パブリックセクターは、市民や企業の適応を支援するうえで大きな役割を担うだけでなく、市民によりよいサービスを提供するために将来の行政機関の組織のあり方を考える必要があります。バプリックセクターに関する BCG の最近の論考がお役に立てば幸いです。


Carbon Neutrality






Digital Government

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What Will AI Do for Government?

GenAI and other AI tools present unique challenges and risks for government organizations. But if implemented responsibly, AI technologies can help governments make citizens’ lives better.

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2024 Global Report: Trust Imperative 4.0

Explore the latest insights from the 2024 BCG Digital Government Citizen Survey in our new Trust Imperative series report, a collaboration with Salesforce that delves into how Generation AI can transform public sector service delivery and strengthen trust worldwide.


Countering the Curse of Zombie Buildings Hero Rectangle

Countering the Curse of Zombie Buildings

As demand for office space plummets, building owners, lenders, and city officials must work together creatively to avoid a downward spiral in property values and local economies.

Decarbonizing Mega Projects in the Middle East

Almost half of a project’s carbon abatement practices can create cost savings or are zero cost—and emerging biogenic construction technologies could solve the most difficult abatement issues.

Education, Employment, and Welfare

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The Next 50 Years of Work

Experts anticipate that jobs will blossom over the next 50 years—even as technology becomes more prevalent and climate challenges persist.

What GenZ Thinks About AI in Higher Ed | rectangle

What Gen Z Thinks About AI in Higher Ed

Higher education needs to incorporate AI in two ways: to support and instruct students, and as part of the curriculum to prepare students to use AI in their work.

Sustainable Economic Development

Unveiling the Shadow Economy | rectangle

Unveiling the Shadow Economy

Governments can no longer let underground business and economic corruption grow unchecked. This article explains what drives it and how to mitigate the harm.

An Ecosystem Approach for City Governance - Rectangle

An Ecosystem Approach for City Governance

Ecosystems are popular in business because they foster innovation, address complexity, scale quickly, and adapt to changing environments. They can do the same for cities.

Health Care Systems

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BCG-WEF Project: Digital Health Care Transformation

While digital, data, and AI have extraordinary potential to revolutionize our global health care systems, they have yet to deliver a transformative impact. How can the public and private sectors accelerate progress?

Defense and Security

Podcast: View from the Vices: Readiness

Three former Vice Chiefs (US Army, Navy, Air Force) discuss national security readiness, balancing current needs with modernization, and exploring challenges and opportunities.

Government Procurement

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Centre for Public Impact

How are governments transforming lives and achieving positive impact? Explore our interviews, articles, briefing bulletins, and podcasts from around the world.

Cities of the Future

  • Canada’s Plan for Achieving Its Ambitious Climate Change Agenda

    Canada’s Plan for Achieving Its Ambitious Climate Change Agenda

  • Digital in the Public Sector

    Digital in the Public Sector

  • How Governments Can Restructure to Better Serve Citizens

    How Governments Can Restructure to Better Serve Citizens

  • 教育の未来は仕事の未来を見すえて


  • Government Service Is Customer Service

    Government Service Is Customer Service

  • How Governments Can Overcome the Challenge of Providing More For Less

    How Governments Can Overcome the Challenge of Providing More For Less

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