パブリックセクター 最近の論考

今日の急激に変化する経済・テクノロジー環境が、高齢化、気候変動、グローバリゼーションなどの長期的トレンドと組み合わさって、教育制度やヘルスケア・システムの進化の方向性から政府機関の資金調達のしかたまであらゆるものに影響をおよぼしています。パブリックセクターは、市民や企業の適応を支援するうえで大きな役割を担うだけでなく、市民によりよいサービスを提供するために将来の行政機関の組織のあり方を考える必要があります。バプリックセクターに関する BCG の最近の論考がお役に立てば幸いです。


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Cities of the Future

Canada’s Plan for Achieving Its Ambitious Climate Change Agenda
The COVID-19 crisis isn’t slowing Canada’s ambitious agenda for mitigating carbon emissions. Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s minister of environment and climate change, explains how green jobs will play a major role in economic recovery.
  • Canada’s Plan for Achieving Its Ambitious Climate Change Agenda
    Canada’s Plan for Achieving Its Ambitious Climate Change Agenda
    Canada’s Plan for Achieving Its Ambitious Climate Change Agenda
    The COVID-19 crisis isn’t slowing Canada’s ambitious agenda for mitigating carbon emissions. Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s minister of environment and climate change, explains how green jobs will play a major role in economic recovery.
  • Digital in the Public Sector
    Digital in the Public Sector
    Digital in the Public Sector
    Step by step, BCG's Digital Acceleration Index helps governments meet their digital ambitions.
  • How Governments Can Restructure to Better Serve Citizens
    How Governments Can Restructure to Better Serve Citizens
    How Governments Can Restructure to Better Serve Citizens
    The most progressive governments are restructuring to provide citizens with end-to-end services through a single point of contact.
  • 教育の未来は仕事の未来を見すえて
    最近の学卒者は仕事への備えができていないという不満を多くの企業が漏らしています。教育システムは、学生に将来の仕事に必要なスキルを提供するために何に注力する必要があるかについて、BCGのシニア・パートナー、J Puckettが説明します。
  • Government Service Is Customer Service
    Vincent Chin
    Government Service Is Customer Service
    Vincent Chin
    Government Service Is Customer Service
    Governments deliver essential services that enable and better the lives of citizens. So they can learn a great deal from the private sector about better servicing customers—specifically the imperative to innovate to gain efficiencies and effectiveness, explains BCG’s Vincent Chin, the global leader of BCG’s Public Sector Practice.
  • How Governments Can Overcome the Challenge of Providing More For Less
    Larry Kamener
    How Governments Can Overcome the Challenge of Providing More For Less
    Larry Kamener
    How Governments Can Overcome the Challenge of Providing More For Less
    Governments must meet new citizen demands for better services—but with fewer resources. In this video, the BCG senior partner and managing director discusses how agencies can successfully meet the challenge of doing more with less. But he cautions that doing so will “require a lot of courage.”

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